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Galloway wins Bradford West. Weird week for politics just got weirder

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To the best of my knowledge he is not a Muslim but preaches the muslim idiology which would go down well in Bradford. Just shows you what a man will do to become a politition in a country not of his own birth. He shoiuld be repatriated to pakistan.

and how many more areas will get the same treatment with other looney candidates who will pander to the locals with the large ethnic populations?

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a very dangerous precedent just been set!!!! thin end of an increasingly big wedge:suspect:


I hope so. I vote Labour. Always have but maybe I and many others may do differently next time?!

Harriet Harman talking about the Respect 'bandwagon'. How rude!

I wonder if Galloway likes a hot pasty?

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As the man himself said, Labour need to do more to actively engage with the electorate and their core support rather than just sit back an expect a dislike of the coalition to do it for them.


I think that both Labour and the Tories are guilty of sitting back and expecting dislike of the other lot in office to do the job rather then being positive about their own policies.


As to Bradford, it may have been the case that the Westminster establishment blithely assumed that Galloway is a discredited figure and as such would be soundly rejected.


In actual fact the Westminster establishment are even more discredited then Galloway in the eyes of many. They need to get their own house in order and start engaging properly with the general public.


Having said all that, I don't think that Galloway will be all that good as MP. His record as a constituency MP for Bethnal Green & Bow was pretty abysmal, as can be seen by his non-attendance of parliament during that time.

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But they want to govern themselves.


Break up the union.


Just get on with the referendum so we can see if they really do want to govern themselves.


That said, I don't think Scottish Independence is an issue at the forefront of voters minds in Bradford.

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No surprise there, Galloway being an anti-war candidate, and Muslims being against the wars.


I say against the wars, but Muslims are not against wars per se, they're only against our wars if the other country has a lot of Muslims in it, with the odd exception of course like those that join the armed forces. I don't remember much protest from them when our armed forces put themselves in harms way to protect Muslims in the Balkans, oft forgotten.


I heard a Muslim friend of mine sounding off the other week after the shootings in Afghanistan, going on about Britain and America invading "their countries" (Muslim countries). This puzzled me, since when he wants to be he's a bona fide Brit having been born in Britain, has never been to those countries, and has no family ties there either.

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No surprise there, Galloway being an anti-war candidate, and Muslims being against the wars.


I say against the wars, but Muslims are not against wars per se, they're only against our wars if the other country has a lot of Muslims in it, with the odd exception of course like those that join the armed forces. I don't remember much protest from them when our armed forces put themselves in harms way to protect Muslims in the Balkans, oft forgotten.


I heard a Muslim friend of mine sounding off the other week after the shootings in Afghanistan, going on about Britain and America invading "their countries" (Muslim countries). This puzzled me, since when he wants to be he's a bona fide Brit having been born in Britain, has never been to those countries, and has no family ties there either.

I think youll find that is the same with the majority of muslims though.

Its a similar story with some blacks and other ethnics. They may have been born here, their parents may have been born here but for some reason they feel a tie with a country that they have never even been to.

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I think Reuters sum it up pretty well




(Reuters) - The Labour party lost one of its safest parliamentary seats after a by-election in northern England, in the strongest sign yet that new leader Ed Miliband is failing to cash in on disenchantment with the Conservative government.

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