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Galloway wins Bradford West. Weird week for politics just got weirder

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In the same manner that he won Tower Hamlets.. stand for election in a constituency with a larger than average Asian community. Pander to their sentiments, either religious or political (either way.. or both it doesn't really matter), promise the undeliverable.. all while a good portion of the population is so hacked off with politics they really can't be bothered with it all.. hey presto jobs a good 'un :thumbsup:




Wouldn't Labour fielding an actual muslim as a candidate have pandered even more?

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Whilst all that may be true (above) in your opinion, I for one think it's brilliant. I have NO time for gorgeous George but am hoping this might be a teeny weeny kick up the bum for the rest of us.... Cornish Pasty Dave needs to be stopped and, well, maybe this is the start? Just saying.




Surely this is the end for Millibrain. It was his party that started all those illegal wars against Islamic countries. He lost a safe Labour seat. Cameron will pull the troops out before the next election so he'll win votes on both sides of the religious divide.


Let's face it Galloway is a one off who knows how and where to strike at the heart of the political establishment. Remember his cozying up to Saddam Hussein? He is a brilliant self publicist but I'm not aware he has much of a track record as a constituency MP but you can put me straight on that.

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Surely this is the end for Millibrain. It was his party that started all those illegal wars against Islamic countries. He lost a safe Labour seat. Cameron will pull the troops out before the next election so he'll win votes on both sides of the religious divide.


Let's face it Galloway is a one off who knows how and where to strike at the heart of the political establishment. Remember his cozying up to Saddam Hussein? He is a brilliant self publicist but I'm not aware he has much of a track record as a constituency MP but you can put me straight on that.


I'm not sure about that. The election for London Mayor is just around the corner and London is safe Labour territory. If Labour fail to take a victory it will be another humiliating knife between Miliband's ribs.


By the way can anyone work out the swing away from Labour in Bradford?

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Well its up for grabs to anyone ballsy enough to mount a war crimes trial for pope Blair and campaign on that as a stand alone issue................ In the meantime Milliband and co ought to be looking to sign Galloway up in the next transfer window........... politial Lionel Messi

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Whilst all that may be true (above) in your opinion, I for one think it's brilliant. I have NO time for gorgeous George but am hoping this might be a teeny weeny kick up the bum for the rest of us.... Cornish Pasty Dave needs to be stopped and, well, maybe this is the start? Just saying.


Genuine question..how do you think that Labour losing a seat they've held for nearly 40 years will go any way towards booting the Tories out?

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Surely this is the end for Millibrain. It was his party that started all those illegal wars against Islamic countries. He lost a safe Labour seat. Cameron will pull the troops out before the next election so he'll win votes on both sides of the religious divide.


Let's face it Galloway is a one off who knows how and where to strike at the heart of the political establishment. Remember his cozying up to Saddam Hussein? He is a brilliant self publicist but I'm not aware he has much of a track record as a constituency MP but you can put me straight on that.


It wasnt too many months ago that the electorate watched Cameron going round the Middle East selling arms to anyone who would purchase. Some of us have a long memory...!:suspect:

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This is what happens when Labour party becomes a vehicle for careerist corporate whores.


Today, hopefully, Westminister may wake up and realise the electorate are fed up with the lot of them and their ridiculous PR stunt machines. They are an embarrassment to us all.


Its another step forward for a new generation of Independents. (and yes im harping on about that again) :)

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and how many more areas will get the same treatment with other looney candidates who will pander to the locals with the large ethnic populations?


Did he " Curry " favours for people who do not live in the counrty they would like to live in with the reasonability that we give them.

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