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Galloway wins Bradford West. Weird week for politics just got weirder

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Basically, this has nothing to do with British politics. It's Muslim politics within Britain.


He's basically an extremist Muslim (seen on Lebanese TV talking about destroying Israel and doing "God's work"). He campaigns on Muslim issues and focusses on Muslim votes in areas that are majority Muslims which basically make him a shoe-in.


He goes about with an extremist anti-British message of colonialism, illegal wars etc and anti-Israel rhetoric - this is like catnip to Muslims. It's all they want to hear and will vote for anyone with that message.


Ken Livingstone does similar to some extent, before every mayoral election he will make anti-Israel and anti-Jewish remarks. Even if he occasionally apologises for them, it still happens every time a mayoral election comes up because he's desperate for the large Muslim vote in London.


In every case before a Mayoral election, Livingstone has inexplicably offended Jews and attacked Israel out of the blue.


We're now entering an era where the Muslim vote is the most courted minority vote (thanks to Labour's uncontrolled immigration policies)


Coupled with the story today of the girl scouts uniform being altered because Muslims demanded it, this country is heading for Islamic hell within the next 50 - 100 years.


We might not be around to see it, but our children and grandchildren will suffer greatly.

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Is Galloway independent? I thought he was part of the Respect party?


We both know he is from the Respect party, but the fact that the 3 big parties lost means that putting forward an alternative ie an Independent, shows they can win.


Im sure i didnt have to point this out to you...:huh:

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Wouldn't Labour fielding an actual muslim as a candidate have pandered even more?


You'd think so wouldn't you, but then it's George Galloway we're talking about here. Let's take a look at some bits of his campaign literature:


God KNOWS who is a Muslim. And he KNOWS who is not. Instinctively, so do you. Let me point out to all the Muslim brothers and sisters what I stand for:


I, George Galloway, do not drink alcohol and never have. Ask yourself if you believe the other candidate in this election can say that truthfully.


I, George Galloway, have fought for the Muslims at home and abroad, all my life. And paid a price for it. I believe the other candidate in this election cannot say so truthfully.


Thirsty Imran Hussain (hic) likes his refreshments; and campaigning in this unseasonally good weather is thirsty work indeed.


Make no mistake, George Galloway is giving Hussain a real run for his money. Respect and Labour are neck and neck and Respect have the capacity to deliver a historic blow to Labour’s strangle-hold in Bradford. In fact, George could end up giving Imran “both barrels” (but not the barrels Imran was hoping for)


So it seems that we have a return to sectarian politics. Fantastic. :(

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He founded it.

He is therefore the first Trotskyite MP.


I wonder whose indefatigability he will admire next?


Next stop Iran I suppose, to see Imandhisdad, what ever they call him.:D


He was no doubt a founding member but I'd be curious to know when and where Galloway has ever being heard espousing Trotskyism. Respect in fact split with its main Trotskyist backers some time ago, although some of the smaller Trotskyist parties still campaign for it.


But even if he were Trotskyist it would make him at best second, Dave Nellist having been an MP 1983 to 92.

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terrible coverage of this from the BBC. Radio 4's PM ran a lengthy item on ths by-election, interviewing at least two of the main party candidates and managed to avoid mentioning Galloway even once, even though they must have known he was running away with the election. Listeners were invited to visit the BBC website to find a list of the 'other' candidates.


this is really bad. They followed the guidelines of not giving coverage to minor candidates but in so doing missed out on a massive story.



They also completely ignored it on the BBC news channel. Sky had live coverage of the declaration followed by GG's speech, an interview with him and with Labour and Conservative spokesmen. Meanwhile over on the Beeb we were treated to an in depth analysis of our latest test match debacle.

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People who think there country is being taken over by ''Islamic Extremists'' are trully paranoid and dillusional. Come on.... its one guy... fighting for and representinf rights of muslim people in Bradford.......people who say and make this rubbish up are frightened for some reason unknown to me.

If someone is critising Jews, Israel, America, for what ever reason are doing so under the freedom of speech laws, and have gripes about policies, issues, events, atrisities, etc.

Grow up people!!!!!!!!

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I'm not sure about that. The election for London Mayor is just around the corner and London is safe Labour territory. If Labour fail to take a victory it will be another humiliating knife between Miliband's ribs.


By the way can anyone work out the swing away from Labour in Bradford?



I don't think Labour have a hope winning in London. I can't remember if Livingstone is in or out of Labour these days. Either way he won't win. Bo Jo may be a prat but he's a lovable prat whereas Livingstone is just another tax avoiding, hypocritical sell out.


Anyroadup I don't think Labour losing in London will do Minibrain much harm unless there's a collapse in Labour's vote as in Bradford. Personally, I think that could happen.

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