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Galloway wins Bradford West. Weird week for politics just got weirder

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Basically, this has nothing to do with British politics. It's Muslim politics within Britain.


He's basically an extremist Muslim (seen on Lebanese TV talking about destroying Israel and doing "God's work"). He campaigns on Muslim issues and focusses on Muslim votes in areas that are majority Muslims which basically make him a shoe-in.


George Galloway is actually Catholic, but don't let the facts get in the way of a gibbering rant.

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George Galloway is actually Catholic, but don't let the facts get in the way of a gibbering rant.


But i would agree completely that he is basically an extremist Muslim, or at the very least, he plays on Islamic prejudices against the West and the Jews either for his own gain, Islamic gain or both.


He is not interested in his Catholic roots - he gets rather annoyed when its even mentioned.

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George Galloway is actually Catholic, but don't let the facts get in the way of a gibbering rant.


I'd just assumed it was because folks think Ed Miliband is crap. That seems to be what the news pundits are saying.

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We're now entering an era where the Muslim vote is the most courted minority vote (thanks to Labour's uncontrolled immigration policies)




Are we are not at the stage where we now have more minorities than majorities? The only sense in which I am considered a majority is in the collection of my taxes. In every other respect I seem to have no voice as ALL wretched politicians are busy pandering to the whims of Outsiders, OAPs, Religious Nutters, Gays, etc etc.


Perhaps if Labour stopped chasing all the minorities and started pandering to the needs of the indigenous, working population they might actually have a hope.

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He founded it.

He is therefore the first Trotskyite MP.


I wonder whose indefatigability he will admire next?


Next stop Iran I suppose, to see Imandhisdad, what ever they call him.:D


1st Trotskyite MP? I would suggest looking at a bit more political history as there's been a few of those in the past. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Great_Britain



It's also worth noting that George Galloway's R.E.S.P.E.C.T party was originally in coalition with the Socialist Workers Party and other far left groups but there was a nasty falling out between the various factions a few years ago (not a suprise given the fractious sectarian nature of the far left).


Dunno who's allied with who and who's fallen out with who on the far left these days however. All you really need to know about far left parties is that the "People's Front of Judea" scene in Monty Python pretty much hit the nail on the head when it came to sending up that lot.

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George Galloway is actually Catholic, but don't let the facts get in the way of a gibbering rant.


Really? Just that he was an atheist for years you see.


Then on Lebanese TV as he travelled with his band of extremist Muslims towards Israel, he claimed they were doing god's work.


A god which he refers to as Allah.


That's some Catholic.


The guy is an extremist and for the life of me I cannot see why he isn't behind bars, given the fact he is seen clearly on TV handing his own personal money to Hamas - an internationally proscribed terrorist group.


Funding terrorism is illegal, yet somehow Galloway is exempt from the law.

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Are we are not at the stage where we now have more minorities than majorities? The only sense in which I am considered a majority is in the collection of my taxes. In every other respect I seem to have no voice as ALL wretched politicians are busy pandering to the whims of Outsiders, OAPs, Religious Nutters, Gays, etc etc.


Perhaps if Labour stopped chasing all the minorities and started pandering to the needs of the indigenous, working population they might actually have a hope.


I think we're still a majority, but obviously the only way Britain is heading at the moment is to a mainly Islamic majority. Remember, it doesn't have to be a majority in population. It just has to be a political majority. i.e. the Muslims as they have done with Galloway, all vote for what is most agreeable with Islam/Muslims rather than issues such as economy or environment for example. So our votes are split amongst several parties, their votes go to a single candidate/party.


It is inevitable we will have a Muslim party and it is inevitable that the majority of Muslims vote for it.


It's also inevitable that (probably in our lifetime) a Muslim party will be a coalition partner such as the Lib Dems at the moment.


Then we will have pro-Islamic legislation rammed down our gullets and what's already happening with regards to for example billboards near Mosques not showing anything 'immoral' i.e. scantily clad women or Muslims being allowed to illegally park on a Friday will become actual law.

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Correct - this is a victory for pasty dave


It's a defeat for all 3 main parties and a victory for 1 person only.


Obviously Labour have lost badly. No getting away from that.


The Conservative vote was down 23 points from last time. They performed very poorly. The Coalition Parties share of the vote has collapsed from 43% in 2010 to 13% last night. All 3 main parties did very badly.


People are fed up with the mainstream political parties, and this is providing an opportunity for somebody like Galloway to exploit, especially with those sections of society who the political and media classes either demonise or ignore.

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