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Galloway wins Bradford West. Weird week for politics just got weirder

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It's a defeat for all 3 main parties and a victory for 1 person only.


Obviously Labour have lost badly. No getting away from that.


The Conservative vote was down 23 points from last time. They performed very poorly. The Coalition Parties share of the vote has collapsed from 43% in 2010 to 13% last night. All 3 main parties did very badly.


People are fed up with the mainstream political parties, and this is providing an opportunity for somebody like Galloway to exploit, especially with those sections of society who the political and media classes either demonise or ignore.


Dave wins Ed loses George gloats.

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Are we are not at the stage where we now have more minorities than majorities? The only sense in which I am considered a majority is in the collection of my taxes. In every other respect I seem to have no voice as ALL wretched politicians are busy pandering to the whims of Outsiders, OAPs, Religious Nutters, Gays, etc etc.


Perhaps if Labour stopped chasing all the minorities and started pandering to the needs of the indigenous, working population they might actually have a hope.


Labour stopped working for their core voter some 25 years ago. Yes the odd MP or Councillor have the electorate at heart, but the party machine couldnt give a tuppence for us. They proved this the 13 years they were in power and the gap between North/South Rich/Poor got greater.

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I think youll find that is the same with the majority of muslims though.

Its a similar story with some blacks and other ethnics. They may have been born here, their parents may have been born here but for some reason they feel a tie with a country that they have never even been to.

So very true!..............and maybe that's why lots of them find it hard to gain acceptance in this country!
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If it results in us working with Iran rather than invading them I'm all for it.


'If it were done, when it were done, then let it be done quickly'


Lets invade Iran, and bring it to a head.


Then we can all die at once, and leave the Planet to Nature once more.

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We both know he is from the Respect party, but the fact that the 3 big parties lost means that putting forward an alternative ie an Independent, shows they can win.


Im sure i didnt have to point this out to you...:huh:


Can I relate back to the Occupy thread.

This is exactly the point I was making about candidates standing on a platform representing the voters views and not just voting for a party.

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the fact that the 3 big parties lost means that putting forward an alternative ie an Independent, shows they can win.



For those in Bradford who dislike this result, maybe it will encourage them in future to participate in their democratic right to vote. This is what happens when complacency sets in. Those who couldn't be bothered to vote and now find themselves unhappy with the outcome only have themselves to blame. At least this is a legal, peaceful and legitimate way of changing things in society, which is better then rioting.

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Can I relate back to the Occupy thread.

This is exactly the point I was making about candidates standing on a platform representing the voters views and not just voting for a party.


Remind me....sorry. I know i always harp on about finding Independents....and i vaguely remember you querying some of my waffle, but agreeing with other parts. :)

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Remind me....sorry. I know i always harp on about finding Independents....and i vaguely remember you querying some of my waffle, but agreeing with other parts. :)


I used to make the point that Occupy would have more chance of achieving their aims if representatives stood for election on a manifesto based on their aims or combined with an existing party.

You tended to think an Independent would not have much chance of winning and costs would be prohibitive. ( I realise G.G. stands for Respect party)

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For those in Bradford who dislike this result, maybe it will encourage them in future to participate in their democratic right to vote. This is what happens when complacency sets in. Those who couldn't be bothered to vote and now find themselves unhappy with the outcome only have themselves to blame. At least this is a legal, peaceful and legitimate way of changing things in society, which is better then rioting.


Results in 2010

Conservative: 12638 (31.15%)

Labour: 18401 (45.35%)

Liberal Democrat: 4732 (11.66%)

BNP: 1370 (3.38%)

UKIP: 812 (2%)

Green: 940 (2.32%)

Others: 1683 (4.15%)

Majority: 5763 (14.2%)


Results in 2012

Galloway George Respect 18341

Hussain Imran Labour 8201

Whiteley Jackie Conservative 2746

Sunderland Jeanette Lib Dem 1505

McNally Sonja UKIP 1085

Islam Dawud Green Party 481

Craig Neil Democratic Nationalists344

Hope Howling Laud Monster Raving Loony William Hill Party 111



The turnout wasnt particularly low, considering it was a by-election and not a general election.

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I used to make the point that Occupy would have more chance of achieving their aims if representatives stood for election on a manifesto based on their aims or combined with an existing party.

You tended to think an Independent would not have much chance of winning and costs would be prohibitive. ( I realise G.G. stands for Respect party)


Ive changed my mind then.... ;) Woman's perogative. :)


However im not sure an Occupy or UKUncut candidate can win an election, but, they most certainly could hold similar views regarding big business & tax evasion.


You know, i feel like ive been harking on about Independents that long, id actually forgotten when i changed my mind. Thank you. :)

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