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Social Anxiety Disorder- Opinions?

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My brother is 20 and has been suffering with this for about a year. He leaves the house very rarely and only goes between our parents houses, and very VERY occasionally to our friends local pub (provided someone can drive him home if he panics). Hes had to drop out of college, his social life is disintergrating and he hates it. If you want someone to talk to of a similar age feel free to PM your email address or something and i'll pass them on to him :). It would probably do him good speaking to someone of a similar age suffering with the same thing.

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My brother is 20 and has been suffering with this for about a year. He leaves the house very rarely and only goes between our parents houses, and very VERY occasionally to our friends local pub (provided someone can drive him home if he panics). Hes had to drop out of college, his social life is disintergrating and he hates it. If you want someone to talk to of a similar age feel free to PM your email address or something and i'll pass them on to him :). It would probably do him good speaking to someone of a similar age suffering with the same thing.


bloody hell that's so sad... no one should have to stop their education. God he really does have my sympathy. They must be a cause, has he spoken to anyone professionally?

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You have my sypmathy. In my opinion some doctors are too quick to push the medication out. I think some doctors don't value linguistic therapy. I've had clients in the past who have had social anxieties and it's got to a point where they couldn't open their blinds. Now this person im so happy to say now goes out and is starting to build their lives. So you can do this!! best of luck :)


Yes I think they are. They said once I take the tablets it will all go away but it hasn't. I have been at that point. I have had to get myself from being that low for my 2 girls but it still is very difficult. Every day for me is a struggle. I suffer from OCD and have a sick phobia that all affect the way I live. I will never give up though, I have 2 beautiful girls to fight for. Thank you for the luck ;o)

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My brother is 20 and has been suffering with this for about a year. He leaves the house very rarely and only goes between our parents houses, and very VERY occasionally to our friends local pub (provided someone can drive him home if he panics). Hes had to drop out of college, his social life is disintergrating and he hates it. If you want someone to talk to of a similar age feel free to PM your email address or something and i'll pass them on to him :). It would probably do him good speaking to someone of a similar age suffering with the same thing.


Bless him.. that's awful. It seems like you understand him which is a very positive thing, after panic attacks, bouts of anxiety for long periods of time ive got 'youre attention seeking, its all fake, you look stupid, why can't you breathe normally' from my parents. and some of my friends think that sometimes, particularly when im too drunk and it kicks in that im 'weird'.

thing is, theres nothing you can do to prove youre not all this, but it is 100% real and you cant escape it. its like a nightmare and you cant wake up.

sertraline, fluoxetine, citalopram... they just mask whats actually there.

Its embarassing and ANNOYING!! haha

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I have a lot of friends and a very active social life don't get me wrong, but I have suffered from this since I was about 13. I am now 21. It affects everything, my self image, getting on public transport, going out (pubs are a nightmare unless I'm off my head ha)..


Any views or your own personal stories would be much appreciated.




In my experience, it gets easier as you get older. You can learn coping strategies or just avoid the worst situations (parties - get me out of here!) and I think that the autonomic effects (rapid breathing, blushing etc) do lessen with age. If it gets on top of you I would definitely try CBT or something similar - don't let it stop you doing anything that you want to do.

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I suffer with the same thing I have people phobia I just don`t like them, I prefer animals I would trust animals over people any day. It is it`s because I as bullied badly as a child, and also I have had the same treatment at work as well, I also have a phobia about getting on buses not because the bus is unknown I use it all time its because the people that get on I do not know.


It is also because before when I got onto the bus I had a heavy bag that fell off the seat. I was listening to my ipod so did not see it, this kind boy tried to pick it up I leant over to help him as it was very heavy. This bleach blonde hard faced hag if you can call her that she was not a lady anyway said to me "its alright we will pick your bag up for you" I said "pardon" and then gave her a mouthful for being rude. I just thought if I had been a pensioner or a larger person she would not have spoken to me and started an argrument over something so trivial and un important in that way but then again she probably would have as she is an ignorant person so it probably would not have made a difference you cannot reason with people like that.


I was then a few months later on a different bus, and two young men got on the bus and started opening all the windows. It was a cool day so I as I chose my seat and went to sit down, closed the window he said "you f****g divvy I turned and around and said "what did you say". I told him if he did not shut up I would shut him up, well I said carry on and I will put your head through the window mate. The bus driver had set off I was feeling more agitated so I asked her to stop the bus she told him to shut it otherwise he would be thrown off the bus.


He then said I have shut the window up here where he was sitting, I said " well why did you not just do that in the first place ********". He made me laugh he said "we can`t get off my friend can`t walk far" I said "you should have thought about that before you started mouthing off nobhead". I was in such a bad mood by the time I arrived where I was going and I was so het up and stressed, I could not believe that a man would speak to a young girl in that manner well he was an inbred chav so what do you expect really with no regard for anything or anyone else.


It is like I just attract rude people, I don`t know what I am doing on the bus after that I got on listening to my ipod as most young people do other young people were also listening to music through phones etc. My phone message tone went off it is loud a gentleman said to me " you should not have that on on a bus can you turn it off its loud " I could not here him very well as I had my earphones in but I heard what he had said I said "what are you talking to me" it is my phone I will have it on where I like" he started ranting at me I said "if you don`t like it move" "or get off the bus". How many other young people were on that bus doing exactly the same thing its not ignorant it is just modern times I am afraid I have seen people in their 40s on trains and buses listening to ipods I am 27 and he did not have an issue with anyone else on the bus so why was he just having a go at me??.



He would not have had a go at an older person, would he?? was he just doing it as I am young and he has a negative perseption of young people?? but not all young people are the same are they?? you can`t tar everyone with the same brush and be so narrow minded about young people. :rant: :rant: :confused: :confused::mad::mad:

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I don`t get on the bus now unless I have to, I have had a serious problem with this for years now. I cannot stand rude, ignorant or obnoxious people having had my fill of people like this over the years I know what I am talking about. I worked in a convienence shop so I have had first hand experience on how rude people can be, I was verbally abused at work and threatened, sworn at because I would not serve people as they looked underage and had no ID.


I get asked for ID all the time and I am nearly 30 and I do not carry off like these people. I could not believe what I was seeing sometimes, I nearly got into alot of trouble because I stood up for myself when a female came in being very abusive to me as I would not serve her, she had no ID I had never seen her before and so I had no choice but to refused her I did not want to as I knew it would cause aggro. She started being very abusive towards me so I asked her to leave she did, I forgot about it then a few hours later her boyfriend came in I did not know he was her boyfriend when I served him he said " be careful who you pick your agruments with" I said "why who is she" he said " my girlfriend and shes hard" I said " so I will take her on and you I don`t care" I asked her to come back after the shop closed if she had any real grievances with me and she didn`t because she was all talk and she knew I mean`t what I said.


I then asked him to leave he would not and was he was being verbally abusive making threats he then called me a name I will not tell you but it was disgusting, I was so angry by this point that I came from behind the counter and shoved him hard. Perhaps I should not have but I had alot going on and there was a serious incicdent at work a few months before a robbery and I was working and I was still shaken from that, I know he did not know that but he still should not have spoken to me in that way.


He said he was going to the Police I said " just get out" with a few extra words as you can imagine, there were witnesses but given that he had been abusive first they were not going to defend him as they had witnessed the whole incident. I told him he was barred and not to come back, he then came in the week after claiming he was going to the Police as I had been telling people and people were laughing at him, people talk and its a small ish place where I live it`s a Town so people will have found out all those people that were in the shop will have told people I can`t stop people talking can I.


No one at work defended me, they just said "why did you do it" I said "well what would you have done??" nobody else seemed to have this aggro on shift. My partner said "well what would they have done" " they would not have put up with being spoken to like that so why should you"??. Lots of other things happened so I left my boss was an arsehole and some of the other people I worked with were vile. Its their loss as I was honest, hardworking and trustworthy employee. I am un employed and have had alot of jobs perhaps this is why, I am now so nervous about returning to work as I have had alot of bad experiences at work with people I don`t think I will ever overcome my Social Anxiety Phobia ever. :rant: :rant: :confused: :confused::mad: :mad:

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You have my heart felt sympathy. Just reading your thread has made me feel stressed. I used to work in an office that was basically a "closed shop." Everyone, including the boss, were as toxic as each other and I was considered an outsider. At every turn they would nit-pick at my work, even though I could do more than that lot put together with my eyes closed. If I made a mistake, I was given a dressing down by the boss infront of other staff. I physically dreaded going to work and had day long headaches (don't normally get any) and my appitite dropped away almost completely.


Outside of work, I started to withdraw from people, even friends I had known and loved for years. Had either a short fuse with family or tears at the least bit of nothing and ended up wanting to stay in bed all weekend, rather than go out. In the end, it was even a struggle to walk to the bus stop without panic. I could take no more and went to my senior manager, way above the *rsehole I had been working for and told her the situation. It took ages for me to relay the information - I couldn't even string the sentences together properly. She told me that sadly not suprised at what I had told her, as she had suspected something like this had been going on in the little empire across the way... She was very supportive and straight way took me out of the dreadful workplace to work with people who I knew were fine - different set up completely.


Took a while, but my self confidence came back and slowly I began to get back to the more out-going bloke that I am. I didn't realise at the time how much they had ground me down. I once saw the *wat of a manager that gave me such grief, in town - gaunt, bald and close dark brown eyes - he was darting around like the world was on fire - I just stood and looked at him. He didn't look me in the eyes, he couldn't.

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I was just wondering what peoples thoughts are on this?

What is considered to be normal behaviour, generally?

Social Anxiety is a taboo subject, either that or it is just pushed away because it's not normal...

When people go silent during conversation or stutter and go red, when they reitterate things they have already said, or even just worry about going out of the house.. is this something that affects you?


I have a lot of friends and a very active social life don't get me wrong, but I have suffered from this since I was about 13. I am now 21. It affects everything, my self image, getting on public transport, going out (pubs are a nightmare unless I'm off my head ha)..


Any views or your own personal stories would be much appreciated.




I can certainly relate to this. I remember meeting up with friends years ago and feeling totally unable to take part in conversations, then I found new friends who certainly gave me the confidence to make me feel like my life was worthwhile. Sadly I eventually found that for the fourth time in my life, friends are only there while you have something to give, whether that be money, free taxi service, accommodation etc etc. So I have drifted back into having 9and wanting) no friends, except my wonderful wife.

Day to day I am unable to cope with many situations -

DRIVING - I find the people it brings me into contact with are so often pure arrogant bullies.

BUS JOURNEYS - So stressful, every journey I take brings some drama - a certain few rude drivers, buses not completing journies, refusing to pick up, passengers cheating the system - why should I be the only one that pays ? Always winds me up to the point I can't face another journey.

SF - Has me tearing my hair out. People can make racist comments, are absolutely vile, yet it is always me who has my posts deleted. It is like the entire admin team are power mad, yet they can turn they situation to make themselves out to be the victims.

AUTHORITY - again, I can't cope with dealing with police, benefits agencies, doctors, council etc etc. All power crazy... no one listens, yet respond to them with the attitude they have and they throw the book at you.

Only one person makes my life worth living, yet I have given so much to people thoughout my life. Social Anxiety - it is a name that includes many things, depression, anxiety, fatigue, tiredness. Society makes people that way.

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I am so sorry to hear about your plight@Blue Moon & @Cryptic1 I thought that I would get a reply saying something unsympathetic. Thankyou for that it has made me feel better about my situation, that I am not the only one suffering this phobia as nobody else seems to suffer with it, for me now just everyday is hard I hate even going to the local shop for bread and milk.


I hate even going to the local pub when my husband says it I try to get out of going if I can as I feel like people will know me from where I worked as like I said before I live in a small town I feel like people are talking about me as I would not take crap from people and stuck up for myself more than once, its hard also as I am not from where I live and feel like an outsider and people in small towns tend not to like outsiders. I have not made any friends really whilst I have lived here and have wanted to as like meeting new people but my bad experiences with people have I met who turned out not to be true friends has clouded my judgement and I am now very wary of people, I feel that the job I had did that if I had not taken that stupid job I would not feel so self concious everytime I leave the house that people do not like me.


I went for a job interview a few months back and there was a few of us in a group I got on really well with the lady at the side of me she was lovely and we just clicked. The lady sat next to her was talking to all the other people and I watched her body language and how she was speaking to them, the men and woman. Other people were asking her questions and she was answering politely, I asked her a question and she just looked down at the floor and did not answer she ignored me so I asked her again and she answered abruptly.


We were then going out of the door to start the interview and I felt like recognised her so I said to her "I feel like I have seen you somewhere before where are you from" she answered again abruptly as if she did not want to talk to me, she did not speak to the other females like that so why did she speak to me like that??. Afterwards I kept going over it in my head as I do because things like this happen to me alot I over analyse things, when we were leaving I walked out with the others she was going the other way on her own she said goodbye and said this other persons name specifically and I said goodbye as someone else joined her to walk and she just ignored me I just thought wtf!!!!!!!!!!. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :confused: :confused: :sad::sad:

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