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UNITE announce no fuel strike over Easter

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what government advice? The only information given by the government was to direct questions from the media. It was the news agencies looking for a juicy story who fed this panic, not the government.


Cameron has just ordered you to talk crap, is that right?

Keep it up you are doing well.

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Why is everyone blaming the government?


They're not the ones who declared an intention to strike due to poor working conditions in their £47.5k per year jobs, in full knowledge that it would be guaranteed to cause a fuel buying panic, only to then call it off.


They'll keep doing it, and the fools will keep panic buying, and keep blaming the government.

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Who the hell thought it appropriate to decant petrol in a room with a cooker burning? That's not following government advice, that's got a lot more to do with a Darwin Award.


Much as I have sympathy with people who feel threatened by the potential of the lack of fuel, really, come on, at least do things sensibly. Why are you not allowed to smoke whilst filling up the car with petrol? Could it possibly be because it's both volatile and flammable?


I think you should link all these threads together, as it is becoming tiresome replying to fools on three fronts.:hihi:

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Idiots don't like looking in the mirror.


Or just maybe people took the advice shown on the news to 'top up' and store fuel and when faced with the prospect (for some) of being unable to work due to no fuel, which means no wages or food on the table, those 'idiots' decided that it would be better to be prepared?


If there had been a fuel shortage and people had come on here saying they'd got no fuel therefore no money and no food, they'd have been called idiots for not being prepared. :rolleyes:.


Fair enough there are hundreds of people who will have filled up their tanks to the brim along with petrol cans when really they'd have managed just fine, but that's not the case for everyone :).

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It is if you are desperately looking to make a political point.


Nope- no party political statement intended there at all. I'm simply commenting that even if some official somewhere has suggested that you should collect fuel in containers, nobody in their right minds would suggest decanting them in a closed room with a naked flame.


Whilst I don't believe that suggesting that people panic buy was a sensible or moral thing to do, no advice suggested that it was a good thing to have open petrol containers in a room with a cooker that was turned on.

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