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UNITE announce no fuel strike over Easter

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Why is everyone blaming the government?


They're not the ones who declared an intention to strike due to poor working conditions in their £47.5k per year jobs, in full knowledge that it would be guaranteed to cause a fuel buying panic, only to then call it off.


They'll keep doing it, and the fools will keep panic buying, and keep blaming the government.


It was the government ministers who said there was going to be a strike when the union had NOT submitted the 7 days notice of intent required by law.


Where have you arrived at the £47.5k earnings from as there are 7 different haulage contractors who will each have there own payment system and it is more to do with Health and safety and working conditions which will result in loss of earnings.


In this world you have to fight for your rights as people will not give them to you only attempt to take them from you if you stand by and let them.

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Or just maybe people took the advice shown on the news to 'top up' and store fuel and when faced with the prospect (for some) of being unable to work due to no fuel, which means no wages or food on the table, those 'idiots' decided that it would be better to be prepared?


If there had been a fuel shortage and people had come on here saying they'd got no fuel therefore no money and no food, they'd have been called idiots for not being prepared. :rolleyes:.


Fair enough there are hundreds of people who will have filled up their tanks to the brim along with petrol cans when really they'd have managed just fine, but that's not the case for everyone :).


It is only because people did not listen to the full facts or they would have known that 7 days notice of intended strike action had not been submitted so they would have 7 days from when it is submitted to prepare for any shortage which might arise.

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It was the government ministers who said there was going to be a strike when the union had NOT submitted the 7 days notice of intent required by law.


Where have you arrived at the £47.5k earnings from as there are 7 different haulage contractors who will each have there own payment system and it is more to do with Health and safety and working conditions which will result in loss of earnings.


In this world you have to fight for your rights as people will not give them to you only attempt to take them from you if you stand by and let them.


Unite reported it first.


47.5k was a government figure quoted on Radio 2 yesterday.


And the pay claim was submitted in the original documens relating to the dispute, but was later removed by unite as they realised it would be deeply unpopular.

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Unite reported it first.


47.5k was a government figure quoted on Radio 2 yesterday.


And the pay claim was submitted in the original documens relating to the dispute, but was later removed by unite as they realised it would be deeply unpopular.


This will be the same government who said there was going to be a strike with out foundation as there was no notice of strike action submitted.


The wages quoted will be for the people who are working 12 to 15 hour shifts weekends and possibly nights and averaging around 60 hours a week it is not a 8 till 4 type job and will include weekend and unsocial hours as well as danger money.

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It is only because people did not listen to the full facts or they would have known that 7 days notice of intended strike action had not been submitted so they would have 7 days from when it is submitted to prepare for any shortage which might arise.



Cameron said to to up on fuel and to take all precautions, in a special address.

He said the Army was on standby to deliver fuel in emergencies.

He spoke as we were on on a War footing.

Maude said to stock up our houses and garages with petrol.


This was because Unite had had a ballot if the lads fancied strike action over H&S during deliveries.

No strike had ever been mentioned, just a few dates mentioned.


What a pillock Cameron is.

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Cameron said to to up on fuel and to take all precautions, in a special address.

He said the Army was on standby to deliver fuel in emergencies.

He spoke as we were on on a War footing.

Maude said to stock up our houses and garages with petrol.


This was because Unite had had a ballot if the lads fancied strike action over H&S during deliveries.

No strike had ever been mentioned, just a few dates mentioned.


What a pillock Cameron is.



Cameron wants to make sure he clamps down on bolshie unions early, the Labour party is at its lowest ebb since Michael Foot, the bruvvers seem to want to take up the socialist banner as their is no effective opposition.


Unite are testing the water to see how far they can push it, having the troops on standby and foreign contractors ready to fly drivers in at 24 hours notice seems a good idea to me.

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What a pillock Cameron is.


The pillocks are those rushing out to buy and stock up on fuel!! Not one of them has looked at this situation with any thought or common sense!!! I run two petrol stations.....its idiots panic buying that are creating the bigger problem. If people just bought as they normally would, I'd have enough fuel to last 2-3 days into the strike anyway when it did happen. The people panic buying now will still probably have to fill up again by the time the strike does go ahead. The mind boggles. Some people are just :loopy:


As for the lady who thought transferring petrol into a container with a jug whilst cooking...some people have no idea of the danger of petrol vapour!

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Cameron wants to make sure he clamps down on bolshie unions early, the Labour party is at its lowest ebb since Michael Foot, the bruvvers seem to want to take up the socialist banner as their is no effective opposition.


Unite are testing the water to see how far they can push it, having the troops on standby and foreign contractors ready to fly drivers in at 24 hours notice seems a good idea to me.


I notice you are missing the smilie off the end of that.


Is that your ambition for this country?

Martial Law and Occupation

How sad.


Explain to me what is wrong with socialism will you?

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Cameron said to to up on fuel and to take all precautions, in a special address.

He said the Army was on standby to deliver fuel in emergencies.

He spoke as we were on on a War footing.

Maude said to stock up our houses and garages with petrol.


This was because Unite had had a ballot if the lads fancied strike action over H&S during deliveries.

No strike had ever been mentioned, just a few dates mentioned.


What a pillock Cameron is.



What utter tripe.

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Cameron wants to make sure he clamps down on bolshie unions early, the Labour party is at its lowest ebb since Michael Foot, the bruvvers seem to want to take up the socialist banner as their is no effective opposition.


Unite are testing the water to see how far they can push it, having the troops on standby and foreign contractors ready to fly drivers in at 24 hours notice seems a good idea to me.


Quite the most ridiculous statement I have read on this issue. In the same league as this demented woman's rage on the Daily Mail website:


You know I'm as mad as hell at the unions. They threaten a strike causing everyone to panic buy. Then after folks get streesed out going back and forth to the petrol station, what do they do? They say they're not gonna go on strike. How dare they laugh at the decent people of Britain. This isn't over by a long chalk. The decent people will not be made to look like fools by the commies. Thelma, mad as hell, Barnes.

- Thelma Schooberger, Barnes, London, 30/3/2012 16:04

Click to rate Rating 9


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122500/Fuel-crisis-Francis-Maude-urged-quit-Diane-Hill-suffers-40-burns-decanting-petrol.html#ixzz1qcBaSPtQ

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