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Forced Marriage: Five-Year-Old Could Be UK's Youngest Victim

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So sex with a minor under sixteen is no longer a crime in the UK?


It is debatable, we discussed it a while ago, as you can read a bit about here...http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942022


ETA: dependant on age of 'minor' and person commiting the 'crime', its not instantly a crime to have sex with 14 or 15 year olds.


The things in question here in this thread don't actually take place in the UK, they go back to their country of origin to get around the laws.

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Currently legalised child abuse on the grounds of culture. Let's hope the act of shipping your loved ones of to foreign fields for them to be prostituted off is soon outlawed.


According to the article it already is outlawed, or at least breaching a forced marriage protection order carries the power of arrest. Sadly, the practice of sending people 'back home' as a punishment (often to be forcibly married) is fairly widespread among some communities, it is often used against British women of Pakistani origin for some perceived transgression (such as being raped or having consensual sex before marriage).


My avatar pic is Phoolan Devi. We could do with a few more like her in this day and age.

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They are shipped to some Islamic backwater and are married -off there.


That would be easy to put a stop to. The law againstf transporting a person for the purposes of servitude or slavery (virtually what it amounts to) must be somewhere on the books of British common law


Persons born in the UK and of British citizenship especially minors have the right of protection by the government

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That would be easy to put a stop to. The law againstf transporting a person for the purposes of servitude or slavery (virtually what it amounts to) must be somewhere on the books of British common law


Persons born in the UK and of British citizenship especially minors have the right of protection by the government


If only it were that easy.

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According to the article it already is outlawed, or at least breaching a forced marriage protection order carries the power of arrest. Sadly, the practice of sending people 'back home' as a punishment (often to be forcibly married) is fairly widespread among some communities, it is often used against British women of Pakistani origin for some perceived transgression (such as being raped or having consensual sex before marriage).


My avatar pic is Phoolan Devi. We could do with a few more like her in this day and age.


Or so they can bring yet more of their backwards population back here to further infect our society.


A Forced Marriage Protection Order sounds like a waste of space, it should be illegal outright without needing to take some kind of order out. It's a bit like having a Rape Protection Order, or Paedophilia Protection Order.

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Forced marrage is definatly a blight on our society but as others have said what can you do when such backwards practices are so heavily engrained into their culture?

Its wrong and needs stopping FULL STOP!!!

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Guess it makes a change from forcing white English girls to take drugs and prostitute themselves.


Another example, amongst many that Islam is totally incompatible with the west (and a thousand years behind).


It's their problem and we ought to stay out of it.

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