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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Really! I think you're confidence in theses muppets is very much misplaced.

They are mostly educated at good public schools and attended good universities.

Their education will have given them the ability to be leaders and confidence to make unpleasant decisions.

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Instead of complaining it would be better to support our elected government who have more knowledge of the situations relating to the running of the country than the man in the street.


Elected Government my arse!


They've shown in the last week just how much knowledge they have, creating a petrol panic for no reason whatsoever, suggesting people keep 20 litre Jerry cans full of petrol in garages and all because they wanted to bash the unions.



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If UNITE call a strike, the union funds should be sequested, the union leaders interred, the drivers sacked and the armed services with volounteers should man the tankers. I, for one would volounteer.


We beat Scargill and we will beat this lot, the traitors within.


What the heck are you on about xenia?

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Elected Government my arse!


They've shown in the last week just how much knowledge they have, creating a petrol panic for no reason whatsoever, suggesting people keep 20 litre Jerry cans full of petrol in garages and all because they wanted to bash the unions.




Wasn't it the unions who caused unrest by threatening to strike.

The government were trying to help people keep mobile.

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I fear we are going the way of the Weimar Republic,the polarisation between right and left will become more violently pronounced and the weak middle will be swept away.Sadly of course we are already preparing the scapegoats:(

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They are mostly educated at good public schools and attended good universities.

Their education will have given them the ability to be leaders and confidence to make unpleasant decisions.



Well that's comforting to know! This lot have no life skill's smarmy Dave inherited all his wealth from his Banker father. Clegg is also the progeny of a wealthy banker, who has never done a real job in a business in his life.


I think that to even be eligible to stand as as MP you should have to be atleast 30 years old, this in itself would not be a panacea but would encourage people to put themselves forward from outside the usual career

path of many of our MP's.

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Instead of complaining it would be better to support our elected government who have more knowledge of the situations relating to the running of the country than the man in the street.


Support this government? Are you bonkers? :)

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[i think that to even be eligible to stand as as MP you should have to be atleast 30 years old, this in itself would not be a panacea but would encourage people to put themselves forward from outside the usual career

path of many of our MP's.


Seriously I agree with you on the above point, the idea of a majority of our representatives leaving university and then becoming researchers for a political party does not broaden the background of group and they become much of the same.

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Elected Government my arse!


They've shown in the last week just how much knowledge they have, creating a petrol panic for no reason whatsoever, suggesting people keep 20 litre Jerry cans full of petrol in garages and all because they wanted to bash the unions.




Spot-on, It was the same with Cameron a while back when he told people to save their money, an hour later after his advisers had told him this would get us back into recession more quickly than we are now, he had to back-track and say the opposite.


They haven't a clue!

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