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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Spot-on, It was the same with Cameron a while back when he told people to save their money, an hour later after his advisers had told him this would get us back into recession more quickly than we are now, he had to back-track and say the opposite.


They haven't a clue!


What annoys me is that those who took the advice of the past government and saved to provide for their old age will be penalised if they need to go into a care home.

Better to have squandered every penny and lived in a council house.

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Guest sibon
Wasn't it the unions who caused unrest by threatening to strike.

The government were trying to help people keep mobile.


No. The Government were playing games as usual. This time it backfired.


As for striking, I'm pretty sure that the drivers would prefer not to. The Government would have been better employed encouraging both sides to sit down and sort out their differences.


Sadly, they seem more interested in provoking industrial action wherever they can. Presumably to distract us all from their appalling lack of clarity, unity or purpose.

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Elected Government my arse!


They've shown in the last week just how much knowledge they have, creating a petrol panic for no reason whatsoever, suggesting people keep 20 litre Jerry cans full of petrol in garages


When did any member of the Government specify 20 liter cans?

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If UNITE call a strike, the union funds should be sequested, the union leaders interred, the drivers sacked and the armed services with volounteers should man the tankers. I, for one would volounteer.


We beat Scargill and we will beat this lot, the traitors within.



That's a bit harsh X. Even for you.

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Guest sibon
When did any member of the Government specify 20 liter cans?


Francis Maude did, when he specified Jerry Cans.


By definition.

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