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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Lets hope so. The British voter is quite likely to vote the socialists in at the next election. Thats how stupid and selfish we are . Cameron knew when he took the job that the last election was a bad one to win due to the mess he inherited, therefore I think he isnt bothered that much, he will do what is right for the country, leave us solvent so your lot can set about cocking it up again as they have every time they have been in power.


But not to worry, the tories will stick around and will be there to pick up the pieces once again.


Firstly my lot?:huh: Are you surmissing i voted Labour? :roll: Just because somebody doesnt agree with you, dont immediately believe they must be in the opposition. I have no time for any of the main parties. They have all proven to be incompetent.


Cameron promised a lot before he can into power and even though he was dealt a very difficult hand, and a huge deficit, both himself and Osborne have been painfully inadequate at dealing with the issues of this country. Whether it is the NHS, planning regulations, fuel debacle, EU referendum, workfare programmes, time and again the party had decent ideas on policies but just like Labour, they have allowed the lobbyists to write the regulations and they have been disasters.


The deficit is now bigger, we will borrow an extra £130 billion this year, unemployment is getting bigger and industry and tax receipts are shrinking.


The Public sector shrinkage is all well & good on paper, but lets take the Treasury department for example, instead of us reviewing what went wrong in 2008 and ensuring we put into place intelligent professionals who will bring in regulation to ensure it doesnt happen again, instead the Tories keep promoting the idiots who oversee the disasters (think FSA/NHS IT systems) and giving them bigger departments to ruin.


Not sure if you read the FT....but heres a couple of horrific pieces on the Treasury....






If you cant get behind the paywall, heres the official (whitewash) paper on it.




Please also remember, that most of Labours Treasury advisers through the crisis (which included Fred the Shred) are still advising. :huh:

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That's what I'd like to know too, there's a lot of criticism coming from Labour but I've not heard anything constructive or if they would reverse anything the Tories have done


Thats the question everyone needs to remember on election day. Because the only difference between the them is one might have cut faster and deeper!

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Gold reserves up, borrowing down, inflation down, 54trillion being managed in City of London, lowest interest rate available to government due to prudent and tough policies.


Slowly but surely the UK is recovering. That is why the unions must be resisted, as Milliband and his gang are clearly failed the unions see there opportunity to seize power.


This is a crucial moment, they must be faced up to.


OH WOW!!!! Your repeating their propaganda!! How is an extra £130 billion pounds BORROWED this year good for us (especially when its not being spent on new industry?)

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This government was elected, the same way that every government is always elected.


We don't have democracy, we have good cop, bad cop. (or rather bad cop, worse cop, depending who's in power)


I've said it before and I'll say it again- different puppets, same puppeteers.


It's just a different style of dictatorship.

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That's what I'd like to know too, there's a lot of criticism coming from Labour but I've not heard anything constructive or if they would reverse anything the Tories have done





Sadly NEW LIEbour would be doing the same or very similar to things that the CONDEMS are doing. The Country is on its uppers, there is no other way forward. Supposedly.



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I wonder how many non-mainstream parties will do well in the next election. I'd hazard a prediction of;

SNP increasing to perhaps even 20 seats

UKIP starting to win seats, maybe a handful initially

The NHS alliance maybe getting 20+ seats

Plaid Cymru increasing by a couple of seats

The Greens winning a couple more

A smattering of single issue independents


All this in a commons reduced to 600 seats. Depending on how things go I can see one of the big two maybe struggling to get 200 seats and the other one not getting anywhere near a majority. The LibDems might not even get 20 seats.


Basically, another coalition. The LibDems are already planning for this if Danny Alexander's comments are anything to go by.

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Sadly NEW LIEbour would be doing the same or very similar to things that the CONDEMS are doing. The Country is on its uppers, there is no other way forward. Supposedly.





The ConDems inherited a recovering economy, their policies have reversed the growth and now the economy is shrinking.

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