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How to get rid of this unelected government

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People vote for a candidate. A great many of them vote for a candidate on the grounds of to which party he belongs, and some of them are misguided enough to believe they are voting for a party, but they are not.


I think you're being wildly optimistic if you think the majority dint just vote for a party. Just look at some mps, across the political spectrum. They are there because in an awful lot of places, people will vote labour or Tory because thats what they've always done. I bet half the people who voted labour in my constituency couldn't tell you the name of said mp without looking it up. A lot of mps in safe seats are the most odious of all mps in my view, with few redeeming features.

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I think you're being wildly optimistic if you think the majority dint just vote for a party.


No, I'm stating a fact. Nobody votes for a party, because in this country the option to vote for a party does not exist! You can only choose a candidate.


That's why people can cross the floor and represent other parties, or no party, but remain in their seat.

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No, I'm stating a fact. Nobody votes for a party, because in this country the option to vote for a party does not exist! You can only choose a candidate.


That's why people can cross the floor and represent other parties, or no party, but remain in their seat.


I know the facts and the mechanics of voting but surely you can't deny that a huge number of people vote on party lines or if they like the leader of the party and not what they think of the individual candidate.

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The tanker drivers have merely flexed their industrial muscle and look at the mayhem? If they do go on strike it will very quickly stop the country from functioning and bring it to its knees. Other workers have similar power too! Let us all flex our industrial muscles too and show this unelected government who the bosses really are!:o




China And Russia are to Start Arming and Funding the occupy movements and other groups

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I know the facts and the mechanics of voting but surely you can't deny that a huge number of people vote on party lines or if they like the leader of the party and not what they think of the individual candidate.


A great many of them vote for a candidate on the grounds of to which party he belongs, and some of them are misguided enough to believe they are voting for a party, but they are not.


Where do you think I was trying to deny it?

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The tanker drivers have merely flexed their industrial muscle and look at the mayhem? If they do go on strike it will very quickly stop the country from functioning and bring it to its knees. Other workers have similar power too! Let us all flex our industrial muscles too and show this unelected government who the bosses really are!:o


I seem to remember someone called Arthur Scargill trying that.

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Where do you think I was trying to deny it?


Possibly not deny it but your last line suggests it's a small number who think they are voting for a party. I'm suggesting that its the majority of voters mindset . if you took an exit poll outside a polling station in a lot of places 30% or more couldn't tell you the name of the candidate they just voted for.

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Excellent post. But do people vote for a candidate or a party at General Elections?


it's a mixture of both really, most people will tend to vote for the candidate of the party who's policies appeals to them most but that doesn't rule out a particular candidate who can generate an intense affection or loathing in his/her constituents which overrides the urge to vote for the party.

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Whatever 'mess' they inherited has had another complete mess heaped on top of it. The coalition are not fixing anything and they never will if they seek confrontation for political purposes.


Thank god everybody has seen through what they were trying to do.


Trying to re-invent a relatively small group of essential private sector workers as union bogeymen was a really, really odd thing to do. Especially so as the workers have legitimate grievances about working practices and public safety. They are lucky to have, and need to have, a union on their side against the massive petro-chem corporate paymasters of the Tories.


I could not believe that anyone who is not delusional could write the above. Your assumption that "everyone has seen through what they are trying to do" is notable for both its inaccuracy and arrogance.


Informing the public that a small group of private sector workers capable of bringing the country into chaos may strike is the duty of a responsible government.


Their union is run by a group of lefty chancers determined to promote their failed ideology and increase their oligarchical power.


If you seriously believe this so called dispute is about H&S then you are either even more deluded than I thought or you are trotting out this ludicrous mantra in the hope that you can assist in the damage to our country.

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