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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Informing the public that a small group of private sector workers capable of bringing the country into chaos may strike is the duty of a responsible government.


except that the government acted in a pretty irresponsible way and brought the country into far more chaos for no real reason since the strike would be at least 7 days away if it happened at all!


If you seriously believe this so called dispute is about H&S then you are either even more deluded than I thought or you are trotting out this ludicrous mantra in the hope that you can assist in the damage to our country.


why do you believe that it isn't about h&s? tanker drivers are moving what is essentially a large unexploded bomb and if they believe that safety is being compromised then they should be listened too and action should be taken.

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Informing the public that a small group of private sector workers capable of bringing the country into chaos may strike is the duty of a responsible government.


Their union is run by a group of lefty chancers determined to promote their failed ideology and increase their oligarchical power.


4 out of 5 people blame the government for the farcical fuel crisis. Are they all wrong? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/four-in-five-blame-government-for-the-needless-fuel-panic-7606253.html

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not all of them are


why dont you stand?


i'd be quite happy to not vote for you


Only tossers and psychopaths get to be leader though, At least since Thatcher.

I admit there does seem a few half decent folk among the MPs but they'll never get anywhere.

Was refreshing though to see Galloway get his victory, I like his attitude towards the wars etc, I'd actually go out and vote for him.

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I could not believe that anyone who is not delusional could write the above. Your assumption that "everyone has seen through what they are trying to do" is notable for both its inaccuracy and arrogance.


Informing the public that a small group of private sector workers capable of bringing the country into chaos may strike is the duty of a responsible government.


Their union is run by a group of lefty chancers determined to promote their failed ideology and increase their oligarchical power.


If you seriously believe this so called dispute is about H&S then you are either even more deluded than I thought or you are trotting out this ludicrous mantra in the hope that you can assist in the damage to our country.


I think people have seen through it. An independent poll published in The Independent on Sunday found that 81% blame the government for stoking up a crisis.


The point is there was nothing to panic about until the government created an artificial panic. Working practices and safety are key elements of the dispute. Look it up. Seriously you are looking for some kind of conspiracy to bring the country to its kness where there isn't one.

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“The country is in a better state of preparedness now than it was a week ago for the eventuality of a tanker strike” William Hague.




Fuel prices could go up by 10p this week amid forecourts will remain empty till Friday....




Yet again this Govt has shown its lack of expertise & reason to govern. Now given they are in the Public sector and you & i contribute towards their wages, and as such we are their bosses, you would think we would be able to hold them to account for this incompetence. This government is asking for legislation to be passed that would allow employers to fire people without due cause. Why do we have to wait another 3 years to get rid of these corporate whores?


Its about time we had the right to referendums and recall by petition to get control of our Parliament.




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“The country is in a better state of preparedness now than it was a week ago for the eventuality of a tanker strike” William Hague.




Fuel prices could go up by 10p this week amid forecourts will remain empty till Friday....




Yet again this Govt has shown its lack of expertise & reason to govern. Now given they are in the Public sector and you & i contribute towards their wages, and as such we are their bosses, you would think we would be able to hold them to account for this incompetence. This government is asking for legislation to be passed that would allow employers to fire people without due cause. Why do we have to wait another 3 years to get rid of these corporate whores?


Its about time we had the right to referendums and recall by petition to get control of our Parliament.





The government wanted a "Thatcher moment". Simple as that. They picked the wrong industry to do it with. They picked the wrong group of workers. They picked the wrong dispute. They picked the wrong time.


Can they do anything right? Seems not.

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4 out of 5 people blame the government for the farcical fuel crisis. Are they all wrong? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/four-in-five-blame-government-for-the-needless-fuel-panic-7606253.html


Harold Wilson's government got the blame for us not winning the World Cup in 1970.


I don't put a lot of faith in people being right when they decide who is to blame.

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The government wanted a "Thatcher moment". Simple as that. They picked the wrong industry to do it with. They picked the wrong group of workers. They picked the wrong dispute. They picked the wrong time.


Can they do anything right? Seems not.


Time will tell, if UNITE go on strike the government will be able to claim that they pre warned us and they will be right.


So when you cannot get to work, or the supermarket shelves are empty and exports have dried up and layoffs start, remember, you were warned.

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