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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Since it was pretty much a shoe in for a coalition before anyone cast their votes, I find it hard to imagine anyone could have voted Lib Dem and NOT expected a coalition.


Know what you mean. It still shocked many people when the coalition was formed though.


Clegg was pretty up front in the week or two before the election that he would work with the party with the most seats. His party ended up losing 5 seats compared to 2005 which was a catastrophic result after hitting 30+% in the opinion polls after the first leaders' debate.


I think some potential LibDem voters realised what was about to happen. I doubt very much a massive majority of other LibDem voters had any idea Clegg would actually go through with forming a coalition - you have to remember that a major strand of LibDem heritage encompasses a strong left-ish of centre tradition. I remember reports within months of the election suggesting 40-50% of people who voted LibDem in 2010 wouldn't do so again. That seems to be reflected in current opinion polls which show the LibDems on about 10%. Down from 23% at the election.

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What's great about it?


Standards continue to slip at the BBC.


What are you disagreeing with re the programme? :confused:


Companies receiving millions and not being checked?


Im only 20 mins in and im not seeing what the Beeb arent saying....

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Know what you mean. It still shocked many people when the coalition was formed though.


Clegg was pretty up front in the week or two before the election that he would work with the party with the most seats. His party ended up losing 5 seats compared to 2005 which was a catastrophic result after hitting 30+% in the opinion polls after the first leaders' debate.


I think some potential LibDem voters realised what was about to happen. I doubt very much a massive majority of other LibDem voters had any idea Clegg would actually go through with forming a coalition - you have to remember that a major strand of LibDem heritage encompasses a strong left-ish of centre tradition. I remember reports within months of the election suggesting 40-50% of people who voted LibDem in 2010 wouldn't do so again. That seems to be reflected in current opinion polls which show the LibDems on about 10%. Down from 23% at the election.




Surely the Dem part of the Lib Dems were the Social Democrats who left the Labour Party. So the Lib Dems are a coalition of Liberals and Social Democrats. So it's no surprise they are lefties as well. In some respects they are further left than Labour these days. But the Lib Dems have become more of a mongrel as dissafected Labour and Tories have joined them. In Sheffield the Lib Dems are little more than a collection of power hungry non Labourites with no real history of Liberalism or Social Democracy.


The Lib Dems jumped at the coalition chance because that is the only way ANY of their policies could be implemented. The ones who are turning away from the Lib Dems are the ones who were always the protest vote against Labour.

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It's plainly not a great scandal is it? I don't think there is anything especially new either.


You & I may know its going on, but most people unless affected wont.


Panorama programmes like this puts the government on the back foot and hopefully some changes might happen.


I wont hold my breathe though.

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It's plainly not a great scandal is it? I don't think there is anything especially new either.


Well if this isn't a scandal, I'd like to hear your definition of what is.


As for it not being especially new, does that make it OK then?

Or are we just so innured to scandal now, it barely rates a mention in your world.

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For those of us old enough to remember back to voting in the 60's the current coalition is like a breath of fresh air. Many of us were fed up with 5 or 10 year stints of Labour going further and further to the left spending what we didn't have and refusing to say no to the PC brigade. Then we have the same with the conservatives who decide that nothing should ever have the word "Service" in its' description prefering to create a business out of everything. What we have now is a Conservative party who can't deliver extreme policies without being pulled or cajolled into bringing them back towards the centre. Perhaps at the next election we might have a Labdem coalition which will bring cries of indignation from the right.

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Latin, Greek and bigotry weren't on the curriculum I must admit. Thankfully my parents didn't have much of a bank balance so it didn't deny me the opportunity of mixing with people from a wide range of backgrounds at a state school.
Goodness, so much angst in one short post. Confusion (was it school of hard knocks or a state school?); class envy; inverted snobbery; personal enmity (why do you keep having to have a pop at me Stan?); and on top of that all we could add inaccuracy in your assumptions about me and ignorance of the private school system. Quite an achievement to have so much wrong and so many issues in so short a post.


All good stuff - and most amusing Stan.

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