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How to get rid of this unelected government

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But Macky, you post links to the Daily Mail when it suits you don't you, but then when others do the same you it just disregard the contents and use names like Daily Fail, and Daily Hitler supporter.


Do we spot a bit of hypocrisy coming from your direction?


Its not hypocrisy, its chaos.

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How do we get rid of this unelected government? - Simple, wait for the general election in 2015. It's not that far away.


A much more important question is who on earth can we elect in its place?

We are faced with total morons in all parties. And if you think this lot are bad, wait until the next lot get in...

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How do we get rid of this unelected government? - Simple, wait for the general election in 2015. It's not that far away.


A much more important question is who on earth can we elect in its place?

We are faced with total morons in all parties. And if you think this lot are bad, wait until the next lot get in...


You may be right in that the British public may kick out the Tories after they have repaired the damage done by LABOUR. The Conservatives are rarely loved. However, consistently over the last 90 years after the LABOUR governments have bled us dry the Tories have come in and repaired the damage.


Look at what is happening today, Cameron and Senior Ministers are in Japan where they are celebrating over 1000 new jobs for Nissan and its suppliers, he has trade missions all over the world seeking new customers and has personally visited the emerging economies of India China and Brazil, not just sucking up to the yanks so that when he retires he can make a fortune lecturing as "Americas friend" as dear old Tony did.


No political party is perfect but if you want prosperity in the long run, thats real prosperity not borrowed money your grand kids will have to pay back.



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