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How to get rid of this unelected government

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You may be right in that the British public may kick out the Tories after they have repaired the damage done by LABOUR. The Conservatives are rarely loved. However, consistently over the last 90 years after the LABOUR governments have bled us dry the Tories have come in and repaired the damage.


Look at what is happening today, Cameron and Senior Ministers are in Japan where they are celebrating over 1000 new jobs for Nissan and its suppliers, he has trade missions all over the world seeking new customers and has personally visited the emerging economies of India China and Brazil, not just sucking up to the yanks so that when he retires he can make a fortune lecturing as "Americas friend" as dear old Tony did.


No political party is perfect but if you want prosperity in the long run, thats real prosperity not borrowed money your grand kids will have to pay back.




Well goody for Nissan.

However if it wasn't for the Conservatives we'd still be making British cars and the profits would be going to Britain. If it wasn't for the Conservatives we might still have a manufacturing industry, and wouldn't have sold off our Utilities to any Tom Dick and Harry.


I'm not a Labour supporter, but the Conservatives are just as big ****holes, and are equally responsible for the desperate decline of this country.

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Maybe the reason we dont make British cars any more is cos they were crap :rolleyes:


I would hardly call Aston Martin, Bently, Lotus, Jaguar, Land Rover and Rolls-Royce crap. Some of the most iconic cars on the planet are British.

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Why do you think that is?


There are a number of reasons, there is a perception of the Tories as "Toffs" and the socialists have always played the class war. When examined, this perception does not actually hold water there are many millionaires in the Labour party and many people from humble beginnings in the Conservative.


Equally there is a perception that the Tories are "for the bosses" when in fact it is "the bosses" who see that the Tories policies are better for business and therefore tend to support them. Despite this support the actual record of the Tories when dealing with "bosses" is very much in the public interest. Heath coined the phrase "unacceptable face of capitalism" when dealing with Tiny Rowland, the Polly Peck scandal could easily have been covered up but wasnt.


Labour on the other hand has never had the moral fibre to stand up to the Unions who are its primary source of income and membership. Blair was the exception. Instead he attached himself to Murdoch and to the city, to Ecclestone, the Bankers, the Americans.

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I would hardly call Aston Martin, Bently, Lotus, Jaguar, Land Rover and Rolls-Royce crap. Some of the most iconic cars on the planet are British.


May I add to that Nissan, Toyota, Vauxhall, Honda all British made a different type of car but of their class amongst the worlds best.


Dont you get sick of those amongst us always running the country down?

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Well goody for Nissan.

However if it wasn't for the Conservatives we'd still be making British cars and the profits would be going to Britain. If it wasn't for the Conservatives we might still have a manufacturing industry, and wouldn't have sold off our Utilities to any Tom Dick and Harry.


I'm not a Labour supporter, but the Conservatives are just as big ****holes, and are equally responsible for the desperate decline of this country.


Your reading of recent British industrial history does not stand scrutiny. The reason that British manufacturing industry fell into chaos was due to the LABOUR party under Wilson and Callaghan and the traitorous union leaders such as Scanlon and Jones.

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May I add to that Nissan, Toyota, Vauxhall, Honda all British made a different type of car but of their class amongst the worlds best.


Dont you get sick of those amongst us always running the country down?


The only people running this country down are seriously rubbish governments of all colours, ably assisted (or not) by an overpaid but equally useless bunch of Civil Service Mandarins who consistently make a pig's ear of everything they touch - but you can't sack 'em, they're too important (and they know where the bodies are buried.)


It's just one big old boys network looking out for each other, not the country. A bunch of monkeys could do a better job.


And it's our money paying for it all. We deserve better

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