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How to get rid of this unelected government

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The only people running this country down are seriously rubbish governments of all colours, ably assisted (or not) by an overpaid but equally useless bunch of Civil Service Mandarins who consistently make a pig's ear of everything they touch - but you can't sack 'em, they're too important (and they know where the bodies are buried.)


It's just one big old boys network looking out for each other, not the country. A bunch of monkeys could do a better job.


And it's our money paying for it all. We deserve better




No we dont, these people reflect the population they serve.


Take a look around the world, you couldnt post in the manner you have in China, Russia or a dozen other places. You would get locked up or wore.In others, as you are, I presume, female, you couldnt vote, you would be the property of a man like his dog or other pet.


Think yourself lucky you are British, this is, without doubt, the greatest country in the world. Be proud.


This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, This England.

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I honestly do not understand why people are getting to annoyed about the various austerity measures.


We HAD to tighten our belts as a nation, and that meant budgets suffering across all government departments. The choices were to do that, or to follow Greece and Ireland.


Now, I'd be joining the foaming-mouths of the left to criticise this government if it had continued to spend and send us down the plughole, but I can't criticise them for doing an unpleasant job they were left with by the last - Labour - government’s crass ineptitude and overspending.


When a new board of directors takes over a failing company, they're not the ones who get the blame for what the last bunch did - so why do our brethren on the left choose to blame this administration for the mess left by Labour?


What I understand even less is that some people would welcome Labour back in to carry on spending us into oblivion.

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In places like South Yorkshire, it's because some people have been convinced that politics is a class war; nationally the truth is very different.


In South Yorkshire real people are losing real jobs and real houses that they can no longer afford to pay for due to the swingeing cuts. The people responsible for introducing these measures are multimillionaires, most of them through birth.

They believe that the suffering of millions of people is a fair price for other people to pay. In the meantime they are becoming wealthier by the day and enjoying life.

Such is the nature of a class war.



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In South Yorkshire real people are losing real jobs and real houses that they can no longer afford to pay for due to the swingeing cuts. The people responsible for introducing these measures are multimillionaires, most of them through birth.

They believe that the suffering of millions of people is a fair price for other people to pay. In the meantime they are becoming wealthier by the day and enjoying life.

Such is the nature of a class war.




Due to the overspending of the LABOUR government it is necessary to balance the books. The jobs that are being cut are the imaginary jobs, Classroom Assistants, Police Support Officers, Gay and Lesbian Outreach workers, etc etc, The jobs that are being created at Nissan, Land Rover etc are real jobs that make things we can sell.


Millions are not suffering, the government is tackling those who under LABOUR got away without paying tax. All will be well.


Trust Dave and George (Eton never went bust or needed bailing out)

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In South Yorkshire real people are losing real jobs and real houses that they can no longer afford to pay for due to the swingeing cuts

(i) this is not exclusive to SY, by a long shot - Wales and the North east are getting it in the neck just as much, if not more

(ii) the crux is that SY was filled to the brim with public service jobs and non-jobs during the Labour years, in an effort to redistribute 'wealth' around the country (same as in Wales and North East), a noble enough effort - had it not been for the very obvious way the Gvt was conveniently buying itself an electorate in the process.


Had this public sector expansion been fuelled more according to real and realistically-projected tax income and scheduled fulfilment requirements, than according to political opportunism and never-never £s, then there would now be less of a need to cut any of it...and, proportionally, less of it affecting SY.

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Due to the overspending of the LABOUR government it is necessary to balance the books. The jobs that are being cut are the imaginary jobs, Classroom Assistants, Police Support Officers, Gay and Lesbian Outreach workers, etc etc, The jobs that are being created at Nissan, Land Rover etc are real jobs that make things we can sell.


Millions are not suffering, the government is tackling those who under LABOUR got away without paying tax. All will be well.


Trust Dave and George (Eton never went bust or needed bailing out)


It was the bankers that caused the worldwide crash. You have the insight of a security guard. No wonder shop lifters keep getting away with it.:hihi:

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Conrod , Spot on.
Labour from its outset was formed to represent one social group, quite an unusual thing in politics at the time as the old choice was conservative ideals or liberal ideals - nothing class related about the Tory/Liberal choice, just steady as we go and value tradition, or in for new ideas.


Over the decades, Labour's weapon has been class war. It has fed and nurtured class divides, using 'them and us' to drive a wedge between voters at every opportunity, and in the parts of the country that were once adorned with dark satanic mills, it has worked for them very well.


Go to rural parts of the country, or indeed most parts of England except South Yorkshire, Tyneside, Manchester, Birmingham and Central London, and the class divide thing just isn't there - people of all 'classes' vote Conservative and laugh at the toffs label it's given in places like Sheffield.


There's a simple reason for the difference, one thing that is missing from those less industrial parts of the UK: the unions.

Two generations of militant unions, often led by Marxists or hardline communists under a Labour flag, have skewed the perspective of many an easily-influenced mind an created a bitter, hateful politic of envy.


You only have to look over the political threads on SF to see it – spiteful, jealous vitriol spewed by the hard left who have been brainwashed to detest others who they see as ‘privileged’. If ignorance is bliss, I’m surprised they don’t seem happier.

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