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How to get rid of this unelected government

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You have no real arguments. If the banking "issues" had not occurred there would still be a Labour government in power today. It was the bankers who were responsible for the worldwide downturn not a Labour government. Most of the English bankers who caused the problems ARE tories. Bankers usually are as you also know.
Have you surveyed many bankers and asked them? Because if you haven't you're throwing pure speculation into the post,


They are also privately educated toffs too.

Everyone knows that.

More wild speculation, with a more than a hint of inverted snobbery. Oh, that bitterness - does it give you belly ache?


As for producing some figures , I could fiddle around on google for a few minutes and find some figures to support my argument, then you could fiddle around and find some different ones. It would be a meaningless waste of time.
Not really, it would demonstrate that the banking losses were just part of a bigger picture, but as you say pointless as you will only believe what you want to believe.
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Have you surveyed many bankers and asked them? Because if you haven't you're throwing pure speculation into the post,


More wild speculation, with a more than a hint of inverted snobbery. Oh, that bitterness - does it give you belly ache?


Not really, it would demonstrate that the banking losses were just part of a bigger picture, but as you say pointless as you will only believe what you want to believe.



Your answers are always typical tory bigot answers. They are meaning less drivel , nothing more.

Stop drinking at the tory club on an empty head is my advice.

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Tony, their problem is that I work, I pay my way, I dont sponge of the state. I dont fit their profile. They forget that I was a member of their beloved NUM and the Steelworkers Union, I was flying picket. The difference is I saw the corruption, the willingness to sell out my country by Union Barons and the compliance of their beloved LABOUR party.


Scargill couldnt beat me and men like me and this pathetic lot of indoctrinated robots ont either. Thank you for your kindness.



You sound like you may have been hit on the head by a rock at Orgreave!

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Your answers are always typical tory bigot answers. They are meaning less drivel , nothing more.

Stop drinking at the tory club on an empty head is my advice.

Well, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.


I'm not sure how you think your argument is supported by resorting to insults and name calling, but each unto their own.


Tell me Mr Soft, if the Tories are the so-called 'nasty party', how come it's almost always the left wingers who resort to name calling and personal attacks on SF, rather than the other way round?


I'd be most gratified by your efforts if you would be so kind as to answer my curiosity on this point.

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