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How to get rid of this unelected government

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We differ indeed. For a start, I don't believe in equality. I don't think we're all equal - far from it.


I don't have a problem with privilege. It doesn't hurt me and I have better things to ponder in life than being bitter and envious of people who inherit money.


The difference you ask for above is that the inherited money has been earned - benefits have not.


Nonsense, of course benefits are earned.

Where do you think your tax and insurance goes every week, or month.

We are earning them every working hour of our lives.

That is where they come from, all of us pulling together, to help those less able.

You will be in this position one day, and not so facile and silly then.


And dont forget your hero's mantra,

"We are all in this together."


Or dont you agree with him?

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That is what I thought. You are bitter and twisted about people who receive benefits, which in fact have been earned by others, yet you think it fair that privileged people can spend money that others have earned.

I have no problem with people getting benefits that someone has earned.


It boils down to people who work hard and people who don't.


You are clearly jealous of people who work hard and the rewards they get. You think it is unfair and that people who don't work hard should be equal to them.


This is the basis of Labour Vs Tory.


This Government wants to reward hard working people. I'm sorry if this affects Chantelle and her 3 kids in her council flat, but Chantelle should have thought twice before having 3 kids by 3 different Dads. If Chantelle wants a good life then she will have to work hard and get a job. She'll have to sell her Blackberry and plasma TV and invest in a course that will maybe lead to a job.


And back to your orginal point of tankers - they are on 45K a year. Greed is taking over this country from people who want money for nothing.

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That is what I thought. You are bitter and twisted about people who receive benefits, which in fact have been earned by others, yet you think it fair that privileged people can spend money that others have earned.

I have no problem with people getting benefits that someone has earned.

Ok, so apply this more broadly.


You earn money, and pay for your kids food/clothes/upkeep. You've earned the money, it's not exactly a bad thing to want to spend it on your family.


Your neighbour, however, decides they don't want to work, but that you should pay for their kids - after all, your money has been earned. Would that be ok?

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So you're saying our tax haven friends work harder than say somone stacking shelves or working on a checkout in Tesco?
Do you seriously think it's either about people on the breadline or people in tax havens?
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That is where they come from, all of us pulling together, to help those less able.




Lets stop this less able rubbish.


Everyone in this country is given free education. Everyone has the ability to achieve qualifications and experience which strengthen them in the job market.


Some people are just lazy and don't do any work. Don't call them less able - call them bone idol lazy and stupid.


It sickens me that money goes on paying for adults 20/30+ to do English and Maths courses that they should have done when they were 14/15.

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Ok, so apply this more broadly.


You earn money, and pay for your kids food/clothes/upkeep. You've earned the money, it's not exactly a bad thing to want to spend it on your family.


Your neighbour, however, decides they don't want to work, but that you should pay for their kids - after all, your money has been earned. Would that be ok?


If some rich persons great, great, great, great grandson inherits money passed through generations and he decides to live a life of luxury on money that someone else earned and not work is that ok? I do not see any difference. Neither earned the money so they are equally spongers. My answer is yes, that would be ok if the example I gave is ok.


There is no difference in the two.

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That is what I thought. You are bitter and twisted about people who receive benefits, which in fact have been earned by others, yet you think it fair that privileged people can spend money that others have earned.

I have no problem with people getting benefits that someone has earned.


In other words it's the same old tory mantra of, "I've benefited from state services in the past, but now I'm lucky enough not to need them anymore, it's time to pull up the drawbridge, so nobody else can have them." If you look hard enough and read between the lines, nines times out of ten that is the basis of all Conservatives arguments. Then they start losing the argument and throw statistics at you. When they bury themselves further they resort to insults and nastiness.

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It boils down to people who work hard and people who don't.


You are clearly jealous of people who work hard and the rewards they get. You think it is unfair and that people who don't work hard should be equal to them.


This is the basis of Labour Vs Tory.


This Government wants to reward hard working people. I'm sorry if this affects Chantelle and her 3 kids in her council flat, but Chantelle should have thought twice before having 3 kids by 3 different Dads. If Chantelle wants a good life then she will have to work hard and get a job. She'll have to sell her Blackberry and plasma TV and invest in a course that will maybe lead to a job.


And back to your orginal point of tankers - they are on 45K a year. Greed is taking over this country from people who want money for nothing.

In what way is driving a tanker full of petrol along a motorway, after loading it safely, then delivering it safely, wanting money for nothing?

I would say that is very responsible work

More than sitting in an office on the internet all day, as most of you seem to do.

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