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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Im not so sure anymore.


Labour did it behind our backs. The Tories are happy to flaunt it more.


We will only create a more equal existence when all of the present fools are out of power.



Well you need your head examining then!

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What concepts?


You're lazy and want to be equal with people who are not.


You kick up a fuss and demand equality, calling names at people who work hard.


Bottom line is no matter what benefits you get you remain miserable, because you haven't go the self drive ethic inside you, and continue to bemoan the system.


I work for a living and am gradually seeing the benefits of my hard work being spirited away by tory scum .

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This is unreal, god help this city.


They are paid 45K for a dangerous job. They do the job but are wanting more money for doing nothing more. They have it in their heads that as the oil companies are making more money they should get an increase as well. Selfish, stupid attitude from workers who have no idea how companies work and what goes on in the boardrooms above their heads.


And when is 9.30pm on the internet all day?


They dont allow you to publish at school these days then?

Move into the real world for heavens sake.

If we dont take it off them, they take it off us.

Dont listen to the siren voices of the fools on here, get out and get the brass you deserve.

You are falling for this trick to take everything of us, dont let them.

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I work for a living and am gradually seeing the benefits of my hard work being spirited away by tory scum .


It's the Tories that gave the working man the oportunity to buy their council home and have something(an inheritance) to pass onto their children.

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The government want to reward tories as tories always do.


Oh it just keeps getting better


Lets take this word Tories, and replace it with 'people who work hard'.


what happens is this - the Government do something to reward hard working people. Someone then states that one of these hard working people is a tory or from a Tory area. Hence the Daily Mirror and the like publish stories of 'Tories helping Tories'.


Do you seriously think the Tory party sit their and think 'how can we help other Tories'? It just happens that the people who lose out are the work shy Labour voters.

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If some rich persons great, great, great, great grandson inherits money passed through generations and he decides to live a life of luxury on money that someone else earned and not work is that ok? I do not see any difference. Neither earned the money so they are equally spongers. My answer is yes, that would be ok if the example I gave is ok.


There is no difference in the two.

Forget that example, it does not answer my question (which you're probably trying to avoid giving a straight answer to).


I asked if YOU had earned that money for YOUR family, would it be ok for your neighbour to take it because they were too lazy to work. Would you be ok with that?

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I work for a living and am gradually seeing the benefits of my hard work being spirited away by tory scum .


Would you rather see your money spent on a community leaf painting director instead? Or a rollerblading coach? Or maybe lets spend some money on teaching some 16 year olds how to decorate a cake, and fund a NVQ in it whilst we're at it.Wow Labour did so much.

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They dont allow you to publish at school these days then?

Move into the real world for heavens sake.

If we dont take it off them, they take it off us.

Dont listen to the siren voices of the fools on here, get out and get the brass you deserve.

You are falling for this trick to take everything of us, dont let them.


That made no sense whatsoever.

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Of course there is a difference!!


Some families are rich. Fact. Money will be passed on. If you ask that rich person where they would rather see their wealth spent, I'm sure they would want to see it kept in the family rather than on buying Chantelle the latest Blackberry.


All Creatures Great and Small comes to mind reading that.

I bet you sing it everyday.

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