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How to get rid of this unelected government

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Many thanks for your kind words in post 52 Mr Soft.





"Originally Posted by Mr Soft

I am a worker in a key industry. If my union called me to go on strike, I would be prepared to withdraw my labour for a long as it takes to get rid of this scum government."





Pray tell all on here, when we have removed this "scum" Government, who do you suggest we put in their place. I await your response with great anticipation.



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Many thanks for your kind words in post 52 Mr Soft.





"Originally Posted by Mr Soft

I am a worker in a key industry. If my union called me to go on strike, I would be prepared to withdraw my labour for a long as it takes to get rid of this scum government."





Pray tell all on here, when we have removed this "scum" Government, who do you suggest we put in their place. I await your response with great anticipation.




hmmmm.....trustworthy people? just a thought

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hmmmm.....trustworthy people? just a thought



I concur.



But how do WE ELECT these "trustworty" to high office. Next time round, all the usual self serving MP's will be out begging for our vote. Including those from NEW LIEbour and the CONDEMS who were caught with their fingers in the money pie, but still managed to evade prosecution.



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If UNITE call a strike, the union funds should be sequested, the union leaders interred, the drivers sacked and the armed services with volounteers should man the tankers. I, for one would volounteer.


We beat Scargill and we will beat this lot, the traitors within.

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If UNITE call a strike, the union funds should be sequested, the union leaders interred, the drivers sacked and the armed services with volounteers should man the tankers. I, for one would volounteer.


We beat Scargill and we will beat this lot, the traitors within.



Aren't you a class traitor?

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Don't you left wing loons ever learn? We had all this "workers of the world unite and bring the Tory masters to their knees" garbage in the 70s. It didn't go well for the lefties. Old Labour were kicked out in 1979 and have been unelectable ever since. When the Tories got in Arthur Scargill thought he could bring the country to its knees. Instead he brought the miners to their knees. The country just carried on and stopped voting Labour for 18 years.


It's all very well flexing your muscles but you would be better advised to put something between your ears instead of the empty space that's there now. The unions are the paymasters of Labour. There is nothing more guaranteed to keep Labour out of office for the foreseeable future than a strike that seriously disadvantages ordinary hard working people. You layabouts don't need to get to work but some of us do.


FYI the tanker drivers have done nothing. The Tories have deliberately talked up the strike and Unite's control over Labour to distract from Pastygate and Dinnergate. You morons have all fallen for it. That's why they are the bosses and the "workers" never will be.


Please stop referring to anyone who is unhappy with the current state of affairs as 'left wing loons' and 'layabouts.' It's disrespectful.


Instead you might like to suggest what the ordinary man in the street can do to rid us of continually poor and self seeking governments of all political persuasions, when the ballot box has failed.


Ultimately, the only thing the masses have in their favour, their only power against the odds is force of numbers. If you can think of a way this can be used responsibly to get results, I'd like to hear it.


The current situation is nothing like the 70's. Then we thought we were being shafted. Now we know it.

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