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How to get rid of this unelected government

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like who?


apart from the greens, the rest of the smaller parties are barking mad


I think you're probably right. We are going through a mega crisis at the moment. The last thing we need is The Raving Monster Loony Party in charge, (tho' they couldn't do a worse job...)


We want what we always thought we had, intelligent men and women with integrity who represent the wishes of their electorate.


Is that too much to ask?


I think we ought to select the candidates, not the party committees. Equal numbers of men and women, and from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. That's not too difficult is it? We do something like it for Local Councillors.


We also need to do something about the Grandees in the Civil Service who are way too big for their boots. They should all remember they are supposed to be the servants of the people, not their masters. If we didn't have such an old fashioned, hidebound class system and old boy network in this country we might do better.

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It doesn’t matter how the government is elected or who is elected, they will never please everyone, so there will always be people moaning and wanting to kick them out and I wouldn’t say the local councillors are any better than the MP’s. One fair way of electing MP’s and councils is using the same system of selection as a jury, everyone would have a duty to serve a term in office and a computer randomly selects the councillors and MP, s. At least this way the minorities in our country would have a chance of having representation in government.

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like who?


apart from the greens, the rest of the smaller parties are barking mad


The Greens are probably more barking than the others. Have a look at their Manifesto to see if you can spot anything that doesn't involve you getting poorer and muckier.

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Instead of complaining it would be better to support our elected government who have more knowledge of the situations relating to the running of the country than the man in the street.




Really! I think you're confidence in theses muppets is very much misplaced.

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