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Is heroin so passe?

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Quite right and in such cases such drugs should be prescribed if they help.

This is very different though when the reason is recreational and those that that take them are aware of the problems they can cause themselves and their family.




but drugs can be used recreationally and they can be abused, againm=, see alcohol.


If little harm is done by recreational use what is the problem? there isn't a law about having not fun.

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but drugs can be used recreationally and they can be abused, againm=, see alcohol.


If little harm is done by recreational use what is the problem? there isn't a law about having not fun.


Some of the posters on here would argue that Fact

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but drugs can be used recreationally and they can be abused, againm=, see alcohol.


If little harm is done by recreational use what is the problem? there isn't a law about having not fun.


It is the addictive aspect which is the problem it seems to me.

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it does not only affect the user/addict it has a ripple effect on everyone in that persons life however small a role they play/represent.


I have seen my family be torn apart due to a few of my siblings addiction to heroin and numerous other similar drugs.

My sister got so bad she eventually got her own children my neices and nephews on it and our own sister they were all under 15 at the time and got them to sell themselves to feed hers and their own habits. Thats not to mention my brother who then went on to sell it resulting in a very undesireable lifestyle for him, his wife and their children as you can imagine. Then theres another of my sisters who has turned into the most evil person i have ever come across, then theres the child that has been born into this and was addicted to heroin before he was even born! he has since been adopted. Then another brother who has recently passed away due to his addictions and another 2 sisters who couldnt cope emotionally with all the strain both of them had breakdowns and were sectioned.They have stolen from me and my family they have lied continually and have manipulated us all numerous times, i have in essence lost my siblings to the drugs. This has all been in the last 11 years.


The ones that have managed to come off the drugs are not and never will be the same i now have a neice who has a criminal record for drug smuggling and her life will never be what it should have been and a sister who is unable to have children due to getting STDS while selling herself i know full well it is their own fault.


I feel that drugs have effected us just as bad if not worse than the addicts themselves.

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it does not only affect the user/addict it has a ripple effect on everyone in that persons life however small a role they play/represent.


I have seen my family be torn apart due to a few of my siblings addiction to heroin and numerous other similar drugs.

My sister got so bad she eventually got her own children my neices and nephews on it and our own sister they were all under 15 at the time and got them to sell themselves to feed hers and their own habits.


The point that the "pro-legal" group would want to make, though, is that if heroin was available to addicts on the NHS, your sister's supply would have cost her nothing, and the question of having to raise money to feed the habit, would never arise. Also, her ultimate source/dealer being the NHS instead of some criminal gang, she would never be under any pressure to find new customers in exchange for cheaper drugs.


Personally, I think people must have something wrong with them if they waste their lives getting drunk, or smoking cigarettes. I certainly would never recommend or advocate that someone take heroin just for the fun of it. Nevertheless, I still believe that heroin legalised, and regulated, will do less harm to society than it does now. That belief is strongly supported by evidence - in countries where it has been legalised and regulated, it actually is causing less harm as the number of addicts is falling. Portugal is one such case. The UK itself was until the late sixties. On the other hand, the USA's experiment with Prohibition shows that even alcohol causes more problems when it's illegal than it does when it's available.

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it does not only affect the user/addict it has a ripple effect on everyone in that persons life however small a role they play/represent.


I have seen my family be torn apart due to a few of my siblings addiction to heroin and numerous other similar drugs.

My sister got so bad she eventually got her own children my neices and nephews on it and our own sister they were all under 15 at the time and got them to sell themselves to feed hers and their own habits. Thats not to mention my brother who then went on to sell it resulting in a very undesireable lifestyle for him, his wife and their children as you can imagine. Then theres another of my sisters who has turned into the most evil person i have ever come across, then theres the child that has been born into this and was addicted to heroin before he was even born! he has since been adopted. Then another brother who has recently passed away due to his addictions and another 2 sisters who couldnt cope emotionally with all the strain both of them had breakdowns and were sectioned.They have stolen from me and my family they have lied continually and have manipulated us all numerous times, i have in essence lost my siblings to the drugs. This has all been in the last 11 years.


The ones that have managed to come off the drugs are not and never will be the same i now have a neice who has a criminal record for drug smuggling and her life will never be what it should have been and a sister who is unable to have children due to getting STDS while selling herself i know full well it is their own fault.


I feel that drugs have effected us just as bad if not worse than the addicts themselves.


Obviously I've met you so I know this story, but what is your stance on what could be done? (i.e. the discussion in this thread)


For me, and my view, none of this would have been necessary if this wasn't in the hands of criminals. I think this is the perfect story to highlight just how bad the current method is, and how it is destined to continue failing.

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Interesting story today, apparently even the police don't want more new drugs to be banned & say they wont be putting much effort into enforcing bans - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/9179877/Chasing-legal-highs-a-waste-of-police-time.html


There is an interesting irony in the use of one of the words used with the drug laws.


It will be made illegal for twelve months while the Government’s official drug advisers decide whether it should be added to the list of permanently controlled drugs.
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There is an interesting irony in the use of one of the words used with the drug laws.


is that the MXE stuff? if anything that should be banned, horrible dangerous stuff, but a semi legal /grey area drug that because popular due to the lack of ketamine in this country recently.


These 'designer' drugs wouldn't exist if the other drugs were legalised, they are poor copies at best and often a lot more dangerous.

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