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Is heroin so passe?

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Obviously I've met you so I know this story, but what is your stance on what could be done? (i.e. the discussion in this thread)


For me, and my view, none of this would have been necessary if this wasn't in the hands of criminals. I think this is the perfect story to highlight just how bad the current method is, and how it is destined to continue failing.


I personally feel more funding needs putting into place to help the addicts mental state through counselling or what ever as usually there have been problems in their past which have however which way or how ever indirectly have led them to think heroin is the only option for them.


Also i think prevention is better than the cure, now please bear in mind this is coming from the mother of a 12 year old who has just had a drug education lesson at school, the education and awareness they currently teach is pitiful and does nothing to arm the kids for the outside world its all good and well telling them not too take drugs they are bad but its not effective. The kids need a short sharp lesson and to be shown the life they could have if they made a bad choice. Also children with parents that are proven to be drug users, while i say this does not mean the kids will take drugs later in life it does in some way effect them however small. These kids need to be gotten to sooner and i don't mean taken away as that wont help anyone, the kids need to have another lifestyle shown to them and to be shown there are always options and drugs are not normal and they are not a way out of problems.


making it readily available will not solve the abuse problem just look at alcohol during prohibition it was still made just like drugs are today and sold illegally just as drugs are today the only thing prohibition did was help some unsavoury people make extra cash with some questionable alcohol. And today's its readily available and people still become addicted and binge on it. The same sort of thing has happened with drugs either way there will still always be problems.

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I personally feel more funding needs putting into place to help the addicts mental state through counselling or what ever as usually there have been problems in their past which have however which way or how ever indirectly have led them to think heroin is the only option for them.


Also i think prevention is better than the cure, now please bear in mind this is coming from the mother of a 12 year old who has just had a drug education lesson at school, the education and awerness they currently teach is pityfull and does nothing to arm the kids for the outside world its all good and well telling them not too take drugs they are bad but its not effective. The kids need a short sharp lesson and to be shown the life they could have if they made a bad choice. Also children with parents that are proven to be drug users, while i say this does not mean the kids will take drugs later in life it does in some way effect them however small. These kids need to be gotten to sooner and i dont mean taken away as that wont help anyone, the kids need to have another lifestyle shown to them and to be shown there are always options and drugs are not normal and they are not a way out of problems.


If we are to carry on under the current system we should at least look at a serious rethink of the classification of drugs.


It's all well and good telling kids that drugs are bad, but teens will be teens, maybe they'll try ecstacy, shock horror, they didn't die, they actually had a fun time! yet this is in the same catagory as heroin. what message does that send out? basically the government/schools have lied to me, not all drugs are inherintly bad, some are much worse that others. that is more the message we should be putting across.

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If we are to carry on under the current system we should at least look at a serious rethink of the classification of drugs.


It's all well and good telling kids that drugs are bad, but teens will be teens, maybe they'll try ecstacy, shock horror, they didn't die, they actually had a fun time! yet this is in the same catagory as heroin. what message does that send out? basically the government/schools have lied to me, not all drugs are inherintly bad, some are much worse that others. that is more the message we should be putting across.


in essence i agree with what your saying however while i dont fully agree with the "small drugs lead to bigger drugs" saying, i personally think it depends on the person and their lifestyle, past and personality. Hence my point about education needing to be better and helping those who would be more suseptable to drug abuse such as kids being brought up with drug addicts parents as apposed to them being put straight into care.

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It's destructive because it's dangerous.


I've had enough Hogic for one week. :rolleyes:


That is why it is illegal.

You've just confirmed Chris's post example of "hogic"

Quite right. Circular reasoning is the only reason it's illegal, but some people still don't recognise circular reasoning when they see it.


I thought someone would reply this way, but expected Chris to be first.


Chris WAS first, see his post above, his example of "Hogic" (Harvey logic) is "It's destructive because it's dangerous". He's taking the mick out of circular logic.

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You've just confirmed Chris's post example of "hogic"





Chris WAS first, see his post above, his example of "Hogic" (Harvey logic) is "It's destructive because it's dangerous". He's taking the mick out of circular logic.

It was intentionaly done for a laugh.

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I know it is the apparent danger drug that means the end of your life etc. but is it really? any stories, functioning addicts? I'm sure there must be some.As far as drugs go it does't do much physical damage, it's more the lifestyle that goes with it that causes the harm.


There are plenty that are functioning. Dont take much to push a shopping cart around full of old clothes donated by the Salvation Army shelters and their bodily functions still function

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There are plenty that are functioning. Dont take much to push a shopping cart around full of old clothes donated by the Salvation Army shelters and their bodily functions still function


well not on heroin, but I have been a fully functioning memeber of soiety whilt being an adict. If I were to tell my previous boss that while I was working for him I was a drug addict the entire time I doubt he would believe you.

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]well not on heroin' date=' but I have been a fully functioning memeber of soiety [/b']whilt being an adict. If I were to tell my previous boss that while I was working for him I was a drug addict the entire time I doubt he would believe you.


So was Sherlock Holmes but he was fictitious. I wish you good luck and hope that it will not take it's toll on you as time goes by.

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