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Is heroin so passe?

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So was Sherlock Holmes but he was fictitious. I wish you good luck and hope that it will not take it's toll on you as time goes by.


I know people who have a little toot in the morning, go to work, come home and indulge a little more. yet it doesn't affect them.

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why become addicted? sometimes people just aren't strong enough to face what is ahead of them, maybe they are escaping from something.


When looking at the drugs issue people look to blame the drugs, but really we need to look at the root causes as to why these people take drugs.


They don't initially take them because they are addictive, they are driven, often through depression or an inability to cope with their current situation. Curing the physical part of addiction is easy, it's curing the physcological reasons within that person that drives them to drugs that is the hard part.





it sounds like you've got yourself in a bad situation fruitisbad and you have my sympathy.but as for as root cause first ,nobody forces you to take drugs.,

you can come up with all the excuses under the sun ,but you make the decision.

I've been round drugs over the years in a few countrys india,se asia and I lived in amsterdam in the late 70's

most people I"ve been round who became adicted to drugs is because of ego,they thought they could handle drugs and they find out the hard way thay can;t .

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it sounds like you've got yourself in a bad situation fruitisbad and you have my sympathy.but as for as root cause first ,nobody forces you to take drugs.,

you can come up with all the excuses under the sun ,but you make the decision.

I've been round drugs over the years in a few countrys india,se asia and I lived in amsterdam in the late 70's

most people I"ve been round who became adicted to drugs is because of ego,they thought they could handle drugs and they find out the hard way thay can;t .


It looks pretty much that fruitisbad can !


P.s. fruitisbad: Fancy going twos on a bag ? ;)

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I know what diamorphine is and i know what its used for in hospitals.As most people will know it is used for severe pain relief usually in terminal illness and has to be carefully prescribed and controlled.

There are certain strict rules that have be adhered to,when being administered because it is listed as a dangerous drug.


Is it those small brown pills?

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I know people who have a little toot in the morning, go to work, come home and indulge a little more. yet it doesn't affect them.


You wouldn't hold a job very long in my neck of the woods.

All job applicants ask the same question

"Have you recently or at anytime in the past used illegal substances"?


You could lie of course but it wouldn't do much good. If it wasnt discovered during the pre-employment physical exam but found out later that you lied on the application form you'd be fired right away


I would hope that those people you know dont operate any kind of machinery or drive vehicles as part of their job. They might think heroin doesn't affect them but there are plenty of people who have had a little too much to drink and head to their cars in the belief that the booze hasn't affected them either

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You wouldn't hold a job very long in my neck of the woods.

All job applicants ask the same question

"Have you recently or at anytime in the past used illegal substances"?


You could lie of course but it wouldn't do much good. If it wasnt discovered during the pre-employment physical exam but found out later that you lied on the application form you'd be fired right away



Unless you are born into a privileged family and Daddy has some influence. Then you could probably even go into politics, like Bush did, though his past history of addiction was a legal substance!


Bill Clinton had smoked something illegal hadn't he? but then he said he hadn't inhaled so that was allright wasn't it. :hihi:

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Unless you are born into a privileged family and Daddy has some influence. Then you could probably even go into politics, like Bush did, though his past history of addiction was a legal substance!


Bill Clinton had smoked something illegal hadn't he? but then he said he hadn't inhaled so that was allright wasn't it. :hihi:


Bill Clinton was fairly typical of his generation. Most people of his age tried pot at one time or another in their younger years. Most though never did more than dabble in it, a passing fad if you like.


Some historical figures of note were either alcoholics or border line. Winston Churchill was one and Ulysses S. Grant the great American civil war General who led the Union Forces to victory was another.


I dont fault employers for a policy of zero toleration towards employee use of drugs. Like alcohol drugs can affect reflex actions and the process of normal mental thought which in the work place, especially industrial, could cause injury to other employees or others who happened to be there resulting in big lawsuits against the employer and there are enough "ambulance chasing" type lawyers around who are only to eager to sue the hell out of employers on behalf of injured clients.

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Bill Clinton was fairly typical of his generation. Most people of his age tried pot at one time or another in their younger years. Most though never did more than dabble in it, a passing fad if you like.


Some historical figures of note were either alcoholics or border line. Winston Churchill was one and Ulysses S. Grant the great American civil war General who led the Union Forces to victory was another.


I dont fault employers for a policy of zero toleration towards employee use of drugs. Like alcohol drugs can affect reflex actions and the process of normal mental thought which in the work place, especially industrial, could cause injury to other employees or others who happened to be there resulting in big lawsuits against the employer and there are enough "ambulance chasing" type lawyers around who are only to eager to sue the hell out of employers on behalf of injured clients.

Yes well i do share your concerns about danger in the workplace, safety is paramount.

It does however seem quite unfair to penalise someone for a past history,especially if they havn't got a criminal record. As you say some have only dabbled.If a person is a former drug addict then that would require more careful consideration, but what kind of a society is it that doesn't make allowences for someone who is fully rehabilitaded and capable of performing a job as equally good as any other person.

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