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Is heroin so passe?

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With respect Halibut, i don't think i am, its a valid question.

Maybe you would like to answer it?

Fact of the matter is no one wants to answer it because no one wants to think about it!


I wouldn't be particularly keen for my kids to be heroin users or addicts, but I'd be far happier if the kids that are can do it without having to thieve from you and I and be under medical supervision so they can stay well and continue to be productive members of society.

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With respect Halibut, i don't think i am, its a valid question.

Maybe you would like to answer it?

Fact of the matter is no one wants to answer it because no one wants to think about it!


It's an easy question with an easy answer.


Currently, if a child, mine, yours, or anyones, decides to get some heroin, it would have to be from some grotty criminal interested only in profit, who's cut it with rubbish to make it go further. Due to the total lack of regulation it'll carry a fair risk of overdose as it will be impossible to know it's content of actual active drug.


If sanity prevailed and prohibition was removed, said child could obtain a measured, pure and regulated dose from a non-criminal, probably with some form of medical qualification, with almost zero risk of either overdose or any other major health consequences.


Now a question for you- which would you prefer a child using heroin got it from?

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I wouldn't be particularly keen for my kids to be heroin users or addicts, but I'd be far happier if the kids that are can do it without having to thieve from you and I and be under medical supervision so they can stay well and continue to be productive members of society.


So i assume should they choose to try heroin,you would hope that they could get it on prescription then.

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Now a question for you- which would you prefer a child using heroin got it from?


I wouldn't wish any ones child to try it,but if they did i would prefer that they obtained it legally and under medical supervision.

That would not be practical though,because even if it was made legal the goverment would never allow a free for all,get it when you want scenario.

Or would they?


This has to be last post,because pages are taking to long to load.

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What on earth is "clean alcohol" ? O'Doules non alcoholic beer? :hihi:

If you study the history of prohibition era America, you'll know exactly what I mean. Cheap dangerous illicit 'moonshine' caused vast amounts of problems. Unregulated brewing created 'dangerous' alcohol.


Some alcoholic products were branded as 'tonics', and ironically they could cause paralysis. I'd rather drink O'Doules than lose the use of my legs, personally.


I wouldn't wish any ones child to try it,but if they did i would prefer that they obtained it legally and under medical supervision.

That would not be practical though,because even if it was made legal the goverment would never allow a free for all

'Could' involves supposing what a government would do. It's irrelevant. The government should supply clean heroin on prescription.


Equally though, it is a silly assertion. Children don't just choose one day to go and take opiates.

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It all boils down to trying to protect people from becoming addicted.

Changes in the law would not eliminate addicts but legalise them consequently sending out the wrong message to vulnerable youngsters.

The vast majority of people in the country live without being addicted to illegal drugs.

Never forget most addicts have become such through their own actions and were aware of the consequences. Through their own actions they should take steps to break the addiction and not be given the means o continue it.

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Through their own actions they should take steps to break the addiction and not be given the means o continue it.

Which means they must beg and steal and commit crime to continue it.


The other option being that while they are addicts, they should be supplied with diamorphine. Through that they should be given the help and support to break the addiction.

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Which means they must beg and steal and commit crime to continue it.


The other option being that while they are addicts, they should be supplied with diamorphine. Through that they should be given the help and support to break the addiction.


They should break the habit.

The basic fact is that they started the habit and they should stop it.

Maybe it is mental health help which is needed to instil the will to stop the addiction rather than more drugs.

If they commit crime they should be punished for committing the crime.

Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong.

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