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Is heroin so passe?

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I've answered this in the post that you've just quoted. Why ask it again?






This obsession with supermarkets was started by you. Why keep going on about it?


Don't bank on it.


LOL, verifying what you said since you were so vehemently against the concept earlier!



Supermarkets was not started by me, you just inferred wrongly! As already explained...





I've an idea, why not discuss the debate rather than going for silly troll tactics... REPORTED!

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The only way to do it is to completely regulate the dealers and supply.



Make the drug too cheap and we'll have the same problems that we do with cheap alcohol.



I am inclined to agree about just cannabis, but the principle applies equally to all drugs.


People seem to be understating the side-effects. Someone on here mentioned mild constipation, but with regular long term use even that could become a severe problem. Requiring not just oral laxatives but stronger medication of a different nature.

That isn't meant to be a humourous comment,its actually quite significant.The problem is more likely with an opiate in its severity, then with the milder analgesia taken regularly.

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From the sound of it, their motivation for their addiction does seem to be very complicated, judging them by their situation. So I would assert that it's wrong to suggest that their opiod use was down to the availability of free methadone.


Hence why I said "some" or "many", I didn't say "all".


And yes, it's very very complex. A whole lot of people in this country will take anything to get high, from gas and poppers to baking cough syrup and robotronning.


I believe it was Chris_Sleeps (I may be wrong) saying earlier that the current binge drinking problems we have are due to cultural influences, it's no different for drugs. You can go to numerous clubs and see binge drug taking and generally if nothing is left on offer of what they want, then they turn to anything else which will get them pie faced.

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People seem to be understating the side-effects. Someone on here mentioned mild constipation, but with regular long term use even that could become a severe problem. Requiring not just oral laxatives but stronger medication of a different nature.

That isn't meant to be a humourous comment,its actually quite significant.The problem is more likely with an opiate in its severity, then with the milder analgesia taken regularly.


I showed evidence earlier in the thread from numerous sources which indicate that it is very hard for heroin addicts to function normally, never mind hold down a regular job.


A serious heroin addict will be "needing" a fix within 2 to 3 hours of their last! Others about 6 hours.


I also know the fact that some addicts (of whatever cocaine, heroin, etc) can still "live normally" with higher functioning, but they are few and far between.

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Nothing- I never said there was :confused:


You appeared somewhat confused- what you said was-

I suggested addicts may be better served by mental health services to instill a will to stop the addiction rather than maintaining the addiction by supplying them with drugs


which is a very different thing.


You need to understand that you can't force someone to stop being an addict.


You can help them- if they want to be helped.


Usually though, that would involve, ititially, helping them to manage their addiction, to help them to feed their addiction in the least health damaging ways (again, only if they want that help).


But you couldn't do that, could you? Because, if you're being honest, your priority is not helping addicts per se- you're only interested in helping them if they cease to be addicts.

I think you are getting mixed up.

Instill a will to stop equals positive thinking and yes I would want addicts to break the habit not to continue with a lifetimes addiction.

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I showed evidence earlier in the thread from numerous sources which indicate that it is very hard for heroin addicts to function normally, never mind hold down a regular job.


A serious heroin addict will be "needing" a fix within 2 to 3 hours of their last! Others about 6 hours.


I also know the fact that some addicts (of whatever cocaine, heroin, etc) can still "live normally" with higher functioning, but they are few and far between.


Yes thats because the immediate eurphoric effect of the drug,as you say only lasts for a limited period,and the more the person uses the drug the shorter the time they experience the pleasure.Perhaps some can be satisfied with that,but for many the craving must be unbearable.

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Yes thats because the immediate eurphoric effect of the drug,as you say only lasts for a limited period,and the more the person uses the drug the shorter the time they experience the pleasure.Perhaps some can be satisfied with that,but for many the craving must be unbearable.


It is... smoking is bad, but heroin!

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It is... smoking is bad, but heroin!


I can believe it, smoking is very bad for the health,i know that,but the immediate effect of one cigarette could never be the same as heroin.


If Pethadine is anything to go on,i have had some experience of that,prescribed in Hospital of course. Its easy to understand the attraction, but oh how frightening the risks of becoming addicted, at the cost of so much.No drug is worth that price!!

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