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Is heroin so passe?

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I showed evidence earlier in the thread from numerous sources which indicate that it is very hard for heroin addicts to function normally, never mind hold down a regular job.




No, you haven't.



The evidence fromn Liverpool, Switzerland and Netherlands is that it is perfectly possible.

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Chen et al found 45% of Taiwanese heroin addicts were in employment, in Nigeria the figure was 31%, in Switzerland, Beninghof et al found 34% of heroin addicts to be working legitimately. In the USA, Corty et al found 50% of addicts seeking methadone treatment reported full-time employment currently or within the recent past.




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Guest sibon

As this thread has now descended into bickering and petty point scoring, I'm going to close it.


If anyone can think of a reason why it should be reopened, please approach the helpdesk.

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