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Is heroin so passe?

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There seems to be alot of arguments going on that 'pure' heroin isn't as bad as alcohol or tobacco. That doesn't make it harmless though.


I'm not sure what percentage of you are arguing from a pro drugs point of view, I suspect that at least a couple of you are but to me (I don't drink or smoke either so I'm not excusing alcohol and tobacco use) I don't understand the 'It's not as dangerous as X so it should be legalised' argument.

It seems obvious to me that that IS the argument, If something MORE harmful is already legal, why not legalise the LESS harmful substances? Or at least make the MORE harmful substances ALSO illegal. Then things are more in balance.

From a personal point of view I think that most illegal drugs, if regulated properly and decriminalised, and then used in moderation, wouldn't cause as much harm as they do being illegal.

I agree.


But then you have to look at the argument that we have now with the legal drugs. Alcohol and tobacco aren't used in moderation (this in itself is part of the pro drugs (illegal drugs that is) argument about making them legal). Alcohol and tobacco abuse are considered huge problems.

But strangely enough, also widely socially accepted.


If you legalise more intoxicants, the usage of those intoxicants is bound to go up, why do the pro drugs brigade think that they will be any less abused in their legal form than the legal drugs we already have?

The use isn't the problem, the abuse, addiction, health problems and crime related issues are. Take away poorly mixed poison and replace it with "clean" moderate strength products and a lot of problems will disappear. Legalise it and most drug-related (as in drug trade) gang crime will be eliminated.

Saying 'heroin and cannabis are safer than alcohol' is a little like me being an animal rights activist and saying 'You shouldn't kill rhino's because they're endangered but take as many mice out as you like', it doesn't really make much sense.


No it's not, that's not like for like. If you said that "rhinos shouldn't be killed, and mice shouldn't be killed because they are less dangerous than rhinos" that would be more comparible. There are other arguments for killing mice though (vermin).

I don't kill mice.


Or rhinos.

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What if me or my son want some of this legal heroin, will we have to start off by buying from a drug dealer first, just until we become addicts, or can we just go to the walk in centre.


If heroin was legal, why would anyone go to a "drug dealer" (as in an illegal street dealer) ?

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If heroin was legal, why would anyone go to a "drug dealer" (as in an illegal street dealer) ?


I'd say that heroin should be prescribed to addicts on the nhs, free prescriptions too, just have a doctors visit every month to get their prescription. It'd cut crime overnight. It'd cut the number of addicts in the longer term. Addicts would be healthier, live longer & could be productive.


Heroin dealers would need to find some other way to make money, it'd take all the money out of selling heroin, so dealers wouldn't really exist. If you really wanted some of this legal heroin, you could visit your doctor & try to persuade them to give you some, or try to get some excess supply from an existing addict.


Addiction should be treated as a medical problem.


We could even go further & develop Afghanistan to supply it all, legally, cut off the illegal supply too at the same time as killing the demand.

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I recall you said on the other thread you were no longer taking drugs fruitisbad?

Not that its any of my business, just a comment not passing judgement.As long as you are functioning okay thats the main thing.


I don't to the extent that I did. I used to have a really bad ketamine habit which I've now stopped. I guess I indulge in other things when they are put in front of me. lack of self control/self destructive nature :help:


am seeking help and do hope to put all of it behind me though. thanks for the concern.

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I don't to the extent that I did. I used to have a really bad ketamine habit which I've now stopped. I guess I indulge in other things when they are put in front of me. lack of self control/self destructive nature :help:


am seeking help and do hope to put all of it behind me though. thanks for the concern.


We all have our personal struggles.Being dependent on a substance doesn't make anyone less worthy.

I actually saw your post(53) after i saw that last one and thought it was a very valid comment!

Wishing you well fruitisbad.

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We all have our personal struggles.Being dependent on a substance doesn't make anyone less worthy.

I actually saw your post(53) after i saw that last one and thought it was a very valid comment!

Wishing you well fruitisbad.


haha, yeah cheers, when I was in the depths of my depression and addiction any contact with anyone other than a drug dealer would have been brilliant. Like I say doing a lot better, well I say that, still dependant on the booze, but got a meeting about that on thursday, so making positive steps and all that. :thumbsup:


sorry, poured my heart out a bit there :D

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haha, yeah cheers, when I was in the depths of my depression and addiction any contact with anyone other than a drug dealer would have been brilliant. Like I say doing a lot better, well I say that, still dependant on the booze, but got a meeting about that on thursday, so making positive steps and all that. :thumbsup:


sorry, poured my heart out a bit there :D


Take full advantage of any support available.The fact that you are doing that shows great strength in spite of any relapses.

I'm sure everyone on this thread will be sending out good vibes to you,and some of those viewing will probably be in the same situation,so by opening this thread you are likely to be helping others who may be struggling.

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haha, yeah cheers, when I was in the depths of my depression and addiction any contact with anyone other than a drug dealer would have been brilliant. Like I say doing a lot better, well I say that, still dependant on the booze, but got a meeting about that on thursday, so making positive steps and all that. :thumbsup:


sorry, poured my heart out a bit there :D


At least you are open and honest about your drug taking fruitisbad, I too have taken allsorts of drugs in my youth but no longer feel the urge or need. I still have a drink and smoke the odd spliff or two to relax me before bedtime. I used to have a friend that smoked heroin and apart from the obvious 'pinned' eyes you would not know that he was a user. Whilst chilled on brown he used to paint and the pictures that he produced were out of this world. I still have one on my wall that I bought off him now. If your mind can control your habit then I dont see how anyone can judge you as you are doing no one any real harm. All the best with getting the drinking under control, you come across as quite an intelligent person so you should have no problem getting it under control. Again, best wishes to you.

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