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93% of new housing benefit claimants are IN WORK

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Can't the OP find a new song to sing? Instead of crying about Housing issues all the time? :loopy:


Seriously it's almost as tedious as the Mail readers bitching about people on benefits.

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Can't the OP find a new song to sing? Instead of crying about Housing issues all the time? :loopy:


Seriously it's almost as tedious as the Mail readers bitching about people on benefits.


Rich this issue is a big bloody issue and it concerns many many people, it should concern everyone, including YOU!


Your rent is paid with housing benefit. Rents and benefits are being manipulated for private profit at the expense of the working classes.


Do you see?

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If your wages aren't high enough to pay for where you live, move to somewhere cheaper !!

It's what the rest of the world has to do !!!


Minimum pricing has been in place for decades and rents have been manipulated upwards. You can move somewhere cheaper, and then you find that there is nowhere cheaper. And then rent rises exceed inflation YoY by systemic design.

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Rich this issue is a big bloody issue and it concerns many many people, it should concern everyone, including YOU!


Your rent is paid with housing benefit. Rents and benefits are being manipulated for private profit at the expense of the working classes.


Do you see?



If housing benefit is being limited and people will have to move from expensive houses to less expensive houses, probably more apparent in London, how in the hell is that manipulating benefits for private profits?

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Minimum pricing has been in place for decades and rents have been manipulated upwards. You can move somewhere cheaper, and then you find that there is nowhere cheaper. And then rent rises exceed inflation YoY by systemic design.


There's always somewhere cheaper people just don't look hard enough !!

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i work, i recieve HB, albeit £7 a week.

im a single mum with no financial help from the father. i have a good job and work the max hours i can (30hrs per week)

i did the calculator to see what i was entitled to if i wasnt working, the difference was £5k per year more in work...with all the passported benefits like free school meals, prescriptions etc, id be better off out of work....shocking!

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i work, i recieve HB, albeit £7 a week.

im a single mum with no financial help from the father. i have a good job and work the max hours i can (30hrs per week)

i did the calculator to see what i was entitled to if i wasnt working, the difference was £5k per year more in work...with all the passported benefits like free school meals, prescriptions etc, id be better off out of work....shocking!


Surely you can get WTC (and thus working tax credit exemption card to qualify you for passported benefits)?

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Can't the OP find a new song to sing? Instead of crying about Housing issues all the time? :loopy:


Seriously it's almost as tedious as the Mail readers bitching about people on benefits.


Or you Bitching about the opposite of whatever you have decide to be a fanboy of this week

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Can't the OP find a new song to sing? Instead of crying about Housing issues all the time? :loopy:


Seriously it's almost as tedious as the Mail readers bitching about people on benefits.


Jeez, a Rich thread that mentions the Mail. Can't you find a new song to sing?


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