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93% of new housing benefit claimants are IN WORK

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lol your assuming I havent been married before which I have by the way so I defo not in a hurry to go there again,so single people like me have to get 30 hrs minimum,still its work isnt it.


i was just referring to old chem...who thinks its only the rich who play the system....

some lads in our local are well happy with 16 hours a week at the moment...everything else tops it up....happy days

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Or perhaps the people with low skills and low incomes just expect too much, because as society we've come to see what were viewed as luxuries little more than a generation ago to be 'essentials' now?


Not all people are paid what they should be, many are over/underpaid...oh wait, dont tell me, the market dictates what people are worth! :roll:

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Not all people are paid what they should be, many are over/underpaid...

How are you defining that they are over or under paid, do you have a little book somewhere that tells you the 'correct' pay for a given job?

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Not what people are worth but what the job they are doing is worth....


It takes many years of study and training to attain the knowledge and develop the skills to be a neurosurgeon or leading barrister, whereas anybody with a pulse can clean floors.

Sadly, there are hard line socialists who think floor sweepers should be paid the same as highly skilled professionals.

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I can believe that it is exactly the same with child tax credit half of the people who apparentlty are entitled just because they have children are earning enough without needing to claim so why do they give it to them??.


Where benefits and credits etc are concerned changes need to be made to the system as a whole to make it fairer on everybody and not just fair and easy for people with children as it is now. They are punishing and neglecting the other people in society who need real help these are the ones who the system ignores and forgets, Something else we have to thank our fantastic Government for don`t get me started otherwise I will rant on all day. :confused: :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::mad::mad: :rant::rant:

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Also what makes me laugh is on the letters that the DWP/HMRC send you if you do claim it says if we make a mistake with your pay, you are liable if you do not bring it to their attention straightaway. They send you a letter saying you then have to pay the money back how about these useless crettins just do their job properly in the first place and there would not be any errors to blame the claimant for or therefore any need for money to be paid back after all why are these people being paid if they cannot do their jobs correctly??, oh the joys of joke that is DWP HMRC and this Mickey Mouse Government run by the number one clown himself David The Dick Cameron. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused: :mad: :mad::rant::rant:

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