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93% of new housing benefit claimants are IN WORK

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Every job is done by a person.


Quite but they're only paid on the value of the job...if a teacher lost his job and landed another as a cleaner would you expect him to be paid the same as when he was teaching? The person is the same but the job is different..

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We haven't claimed housing benefit up to now but I'm now in the position of having to look into it.


With the rent going up along with every other bill and a £50 a week drop in WTC I can't see how we have any other option. We are basically skint by the end of the week as it is, £50 is a lot of money to us.


I can truly see the advantages of being unemployed as the working members of society appear to be able to afford less than those not working.


To me it doesn't make sense, they lower one set of money forcing people to claim other things instead. What's the point?

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Can't the OP find a new song to sing? Instead of crying about Housing issues all the time? :loopy:


Seriously it's almost as tedious as the Mail readers bitching about people on benefits.


And you, always on your soap box, moaning about how hard done by you are..:loopy:


It's 'OK' this post will self destruct in the next 5mins after Rich has contacted the mods.

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Talking in those terms dehumanises the issue. Every job is done by a person.


So if you were hiring a couple of people, for example one of them to do some labouring in your garden and the other to design you a complicated house extension, would you pay them the same because they're both people, or would you pay them for the job they were doing?

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  • 1 year later...

In effect, paying housing benefit and tax credits etc, is subsidising big business, allowing them to pay the lowest wage possible, thus making more profits, (which they then find ways of paying as little tax on as possible.)


It stinks.


What happened to a fair days pay for a fair days work?

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Or you Bitching about the opposite of whatever you have decide to be a fanboy of this week


For those that rent privately, social housing can be better and cheaper, so it is a big issue that a section of the population benefits can be better off by over £100, month after month.

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