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An Early Start On Xmas Eve....


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Anyone else planning an early start to Xmas Eve procedings??


I'm meeting up with a few work mates on West Street about noon(ish). Then meeting up with a few friends around Dev Green for rest of the afternoon. Probably catch last bus home & end the night in one of our many locals :D


Anyone planning an earlier start? Then again; if you are I think you need :help:...

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I shall be having a early start to the hospital and to have my plaster cast checked this is the only time I can get there as I am rather busy this week trying out a brand new camera. thankfully I am not walking about on my plaster cast a lot as I am been driven everywhere. I really envy all you people who can go out and get totally smashed out of your heads, this is one part of the year that I miss having a drink with the lads but the strongest drink I will be taking is a cappucino. I shall be in church at midnight for the midnight mass and to go and listen to my nephew sing in the choir. so to all my friends on this forum I would like to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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