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New Internet Snooping Law. Will it be for the better?

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It's been asked and answerd :rolleyes: see page 2


Wasn't really answered though was it?


You simply put your faith that proxys will not be agressively targetted and not the first place government hackers would inflitrate and gather data. I think you're being naive.

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Utopia, Utopia, Utopia

Welcome to Utopia

Planet of your wildest dreams

Where everbody drives a Cadillac car

And the streets are paved with hamburgers

And the rivers run with Watney's draught Red Barrel


Utopia, where all your needs are catered for

Anticipated, calculated

All your wants are monitored, programmed, computer formulated

We know you will be very happy here

Nobody has complained ....

.... Yet!

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So we can have an army because we're a democracy but we can't ask ISPs to store information for a couple of years in case we end up with a mental dictator? That's your thesis?

No, that is not my thesis, and you know that it is not my thesis. You want to make out that I am saying things that I am not because you are a wind-up merchant.


This is not about allowing a benign government to store data for a couple of years for good reasons; this is about giving our government the right to spy on its own people, which is a power that it will abuse. The government will take further steps, and pretty soon it will be impossible to rise up against it, and then the government will no longer need to hold elections. You know how this sort of thing works. There are plenty of examples throughout the world.


"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."


We must never allow our government absolute power. The ability to spy on citizens' communications with impunity IS absolute power!

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No, that is not my thesis, and you know that it is not my thesis. You want to make out that I am saying things that I am not because you are a wind-up merchant.


This is not about allowing a benign government to store data for a couple of years for good reasons; this is about giving our government the right to spy on its own people, which is a power that it will abuse. The government will take further steps, and pretty soon it will be impossible to rise up against it, and then the government will no longer need to hold elections. You know how this sort of thing works. There are plenty of examples throughout the world.


"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."


We must never allow our government absolute power. The ability to spy on citizens' communications with impunity IS absolute power!

So our government will inevitably becorme a dictatorship because of this act? But bashar al assad has committed the crimes against his people without this act?


Your argument is hogwash sir.

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Utopia, Utopia, Utopia

Welcome to Utopia

Planet of your wildest dreams

Where everbody drives a Cadillac car

And the streets are paved with hamburgers

And the rivers run with Watney's draught Red Barrel


Utopia, where all your needs are catered for

Anticipated, calculated

All your wants are monitored, programmed, computer formulated

We know you will be very happy here

Nobody has complained ....

.... Yet!

Very poetic.

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So our government will inevitably becorme a dictatorship because of this act? But bashar al assad has committed the crimes against his people without this act?


Your argument is hogwash sir.


no it is not hogwash, It has been proven time and time again.

look through history at the way things have gone when power is given to a few, and when absolute power is given what happens then. Not much good comes of it.

I will start with, pol pot, Henry the 8th, Kim Jong, Hitler, Stalin, Caligula, George bush.

The list is as long as history itself.

If you don't see it the ultimate aim of people who want t impose these kinds of 'laws' on your life are the sort who dream of power un-appossed and being able to have your minions watch everyone is nothing but a step towards giving few an absolute power over many.



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I do find it strange that the government is wanting more powers yet they cannot even use correctly the powers they do have over telephone calls. I have lost track of the Indian call centres telling me they are from Microsoft and I have a problem with my pc. Even a shed load of expletives in their general direction does not deter them.


Also if all they can do is check the time and date of an email and the subject its hardly going to work is it.

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