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New Internet Snooping Law. Will it be for the better?

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At the moment maybe. This is a very short sighted view.


In the future they can make anything illegal and you will have to comply, no matter what you think about it. It might even be made illegal to discuss it on a forum like this.


Who'd have thought 10 years ago that putting the wrong rubbish in your bin could illicit a hefty fine. A trivial example maybe, but an indication of how technology can allow them to interfere in even the most mundane aspects of our lives, never mind anything more serious.



Hey france is getting it a little quicker than 10 years


Shorty Sarkozy just announced a criminal offence to even visit sites deemed terror related.


and yes there are cases within the UK were people are still being held for 7 years + with no trial , no case , no evidence


Anna me dear , we are already here.

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...or a P2P user. ;)


Does it not occur to anyone that if a terrorist wasn't sure that he was being monitored, then he might just take the risk, only to end up incriminating himself.


If he knew for certain that he was being monitored, then he might take the appropriate precautions, such as using proxies/Tor/Freenet or an encrypted VPN.


Seems a bit self-defeating to me...


Terrorists are using Xbox and ps3

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This really is nothing to do with terrorism.


This goes back to the London riots, where Blackberries and other forms of instant messaging were partly blamed for allowing the rioters to organise.


What if I attended a perfectly legal protest and it turned bad, and during the confusion I was arrested.


They could trawl through every message and email I had sent for the previous two years, looking for anything that might incriminate me.


Something as relatively innocent as a post on a forum such as this, months before saying something like "I hate this government, something should be done about them.", might get me promoted from a wrongly arrested protester to a ringleader.

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Do you think will be an intrusion on our freedom and liberty? If so would that bother you?

I expect it will be some time before its fully operational.

I'm not certain about it yet,not sure how its going to effect us. Can anyone enlighten me?

I expect if it helps catch criminals and potential terrorists thats got to be a good thing.




Implanting tracking devices in us all would help catch criminals and potential terrorists but I doubt you think that would be a good thing - it's simply not a proportionate response to the threat.


At the moment if the authorities want to track someone, they have to get a court order and provide some sort of justification for doing so - which in an emergency will take them hardly any time at all. With this, they don't - that means they can spy on whoever they like for whatever reason and without any oversight. This is completely disproportionate to what they will actually be able to use it for and others have pointed out how easy it is to avoid for their claimed intended targets.

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Be careful what you say in future.You could just be expressing something in a kind of ambiguous jokey manner,and it could quite easily be misinterpreted and held against you later.:suspect:


and this comment was said tongue in cheek.

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