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Unusual Phobias

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Originally posted by viking

Who said they were not real (Sunday sport i suppose).

You ought to go out more. :thumbsup:



thinking about it now i do not know how he copes, he works in meadowhell and its full of mindless zombies everyday!

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Originally posted by savbaby

thinking about it now i do not know how he copes, he works in meadowhell and its full of mindless zombies everyday!


Chuff me.

He wants to spend a hour on here. :heyhey:

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Originally posted by viking

My phobia might sound silly (No change there then ).

I am scared of the "Lesser spotted algerian, malasian bird eating cockroach" (alamalacockroickreus )

I have a phobia of trying to force too much mutton into the microwave & it going off before being properly cooked (ramalamlamalamlamadingdong) :hihi:

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My strange phobia is that i cant look at a tv screen that is all black with white lines on it.


Do you remember those old video machines years ago where you had to get a test signal on.

The jet black screen with a white line going down the middle.

I was absolutely terrified of this.


And if my screen saver ever goes off and leaves a blank black screen or black screen with coloured writing i still couldnt use the pc. until a coloured one is put on again.



Im ok with a white screen with black on it but not the other way round.


Also if getting in a bath i have to have the deep water transparent, no dark coloured bath stuff .

pretty much ok these days as most stuff is quite colourless.


Also im afraid of the artificial voice aid (electro larynx)

I feel awful about this and know those poor people with throat cancer are suffering but i have a phobia of the microphoned voice that comes out of the aid.

not keen on automated voices either.- esp male.

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My two strange phobias are

1) going down escalators. Going up Im fine with but Im absolutely terrifed of going down escalators, to the point of nausea and cold sweats.

2) My other fear is sheep. Cant walk through a field that has sheep in it, no idea why, just gets me very scared.



Ho hum, strange world :-)

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Originally posted by Olliekitten

1) going down escalators. Going up Im fine with but Im absolutely terrifed of going down escalators, to the point of nausea and cold sweats.


I never had a problem with escalators until I moved to London, the escalators at Holborn tube station are truly terrifying.

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Originally posted by Olliekitten

My two strange phobias are

1) going down escalators. Going up Im fine with but Im absolutely terrifed of going down escalators, to the point of nausea and cold sweats.

2) My other fear is sheep. Cant walk through a field that has sheep in it, no idea why, just gets me very scared.



Ho hum, strange world :-)


I also have a phobia about escalators but this stems from falling down one as a kid :o Very scarey!! I thought my hair was gonna get chewed up in the bottom of it. I avoid them at all costs but if I do have to go on one I visibly pale and grip the sides for grim death. I can feel my heart racing and I break out into a cold sweat. Actually I feel shakey even thinking about it, lol.


And I can understand your sheep phobia too. It's the eyes ... omg they just have those freaky eyes!!!! Eye's like the devil I tell ya!!!!!

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Originally posted by cobaltblue

I thought my hair was gonna get chewed up in the bottom of it.


There used to be an advert that showed a childs wellington boot getting pulled into an escalator and all mangeled up then they said "imagine if a childs foot was in it". It scared me to death that ad and now I'm totally paranoid about standing inside the yellow lines.

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