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Unusual Phobias

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Originally posted by nick2

There used to be an advert that showed a childs wellington boot getting pulled into an escalator and all mangeled up then they said "imagine if a childs foot was in it". It scared me to death that ad and now I'm totally paranoid about standing inside the yellow lines.


LMAO Nick2 even now I think when I'm reaching the end that its gonna eat the sole of my shoe right off so I'm barefoot with just the top of a shoe/boot flapping round my ankle :blush: Terrifying!!!

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Monkey Puzzle Trees - they're just so precise (shudder.) I also used to be terrified of spontaneous human combustion - as a kid I would lie in bed convinced I was getting hotter and hotter until my parents had to reassure me that I wasn't going to burst into a living ball of flame. Oh, and wasps nests, honeycomb - anything with geometric patterns really makes me feel a bit sick.

Other than that usual ones like lifts and planes.

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Ladders! I hate going up them. But I'm not scared of heights.:loopy:


Vomit (other people's) gives me the 'heeby jeebies'. I can't go near it, and the smell lingers in my nostrils for days. Sorry if you're eating, folks!! :gag:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a few phobias that my friends laugh at. they are in order from worst:

1. Pigeons (they find it funny that i once got bitten by one and now i can even go near them)

2. Barbie dolls (i dont even know why)

3. dark (i cant sleep unless i have a night light)

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iv always been absolutely terrified of them portable mini roadsweeper things .... you know the little ones with the 2 spinny brushes on the front .... they always used to make me cry when i was ickle n i still make a quick exit whenever one comes near me :help:

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i also have a real phobia of vomit, mine and other peoples. i have a shaking fit and have to breathe like i am giving birth when i feel sick :blush: its really bad tho, ruins my life in a way, i avoid certain things cause of it. bit sad really :sad:

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Originally posted by janny

i also have a real phobia of vomit, mine and other peoples. i have a shaking fit and have to breathe like i am giving birth when i feel sick :blush: its really bad tho, ruins my life in a way, i avoid certain things cause of it. bit sad really :sad:


Im the same, its not good at all :(

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Only ones I really have is spiders and dentists. About as usual as they come.


What is unusual though is why am I scared of spiders but not of any other creepy crawly type things? aren't they essentially the same sort of thing?


I guess the thing about phobias is they are not logical though.

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