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Unusual Phobias

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My phobias are boring: spiders, dentists and flying.


My horse has a couple of interesting ones though... He's absoultely petrified of squirrels and runs a mile if he sees one. He also hates wild rubard. Maybe it's the smell?

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I'm petrified of escalators too, and I thought this was weird but there's a least 7 others on here who feel the same! I'm not bad at going up, but I simply cannot go down an escalator apart from tiny, small ones with good lighting, because I can't see the steps properly due to my eyesight.


Nasty evil things, I hate them. There's shops I can't go in because they only have escalators and no stairs. I don't use the underground, but I tried to once, planning a route with no escalators which worled until I got to westminster and the lift was broken! It took me three goes before I could get on the thing, and I had to do it or be doomed to stay underground til the lift was fixed. I can also only stand on the left, which doesn't go down well in London!


I remember those ads, wasn't there one with a rag doll getting mangled in an escalator too? There was one about slurry pits which showed a child drowning in the muck, so as a result I'm now petrified of those too.


I also hate polystyrene packaging, other people's vomit and chicken fat. Eyuw.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow Zebra!


I had a phobia of spontaneous combustion growing up too. I tried reading everything I could get my hands on to convince myself but it didn't work.


I've always found it difficult to have such an irrational fear because of the way other people relate to it. Through my phobia I developed obsessive compulsie disorder and was hospitalized. Yet for some reason people find the idea of this phobia humorous.


By the way its called pyrothenatophobia




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Mine are...


Feet - I REALLY REALLY cannot stand them - makes me wanna throw up! (this time of year is particularly bad!) I don't like my own either!


Dentists - Terrified!


Being Sick - always feel like I'm going to die!


Slugs/Worms - the last house I lived in was a haven for Slugs, I'm shuddering now at the thought of 'em...


Chenille - my exgirlfriend loved the stuff - sets my teeth on edge - rub it between your fingers :gag:


Spiders/Wasps - fascinating creatures (like all insects), but they reduce me to tears - strange though, when I was a nipper, I used to put all kinds of creepy crawlies in a bottle, and watch them fight!:loopy::o


Things I'm not overly keen on Brummie accents (no offence intended!), Cauliflower, Cabbage, Coriander, Courgettes, Cucumber, Celery and Capers...

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Originally posted by Booch

Slugs/Worms - the last house I lived in was a haven for Slugs, I'm shuddering now at the thought of 'em...


I got home from work last night and went to open the patio door to go into the garden and there was the biggest slug I've ever seen half way up the door, it was massive, like an eel.


I'm not squeemish usually but this was like something out of a horror film, I had to prise it off the glass with a trowel and catapult it into next doors garden.


It was was huge, with an orange frill round the bottom, I should have taken a photo.

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Originally posted by Funky Dave

It's a common one, but I'm terrified of spiders. Only the big ones, the smaller sort don't bother me. I can't even stay in the same room as one. I've had to sleep in the living room sometimes 'cos one of the spindly little buggers has got into my bedroom.


Same here i go in hysterics if I see one, and wont rest until it is removed.


My mum once lied to me, syaing she had removed this massive spider (infact she had lost it), but if she hadn't i wouldn't have been able to stay in the house on me own :hihi:

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Historics may mean that you look into their ancestory.... :hihi:


Originally posted by steelcitybab

Same here i go in historics if I see one, and wont rest until it is removed.


My mum once lied to me, syaing she had removed this massive spider (infact she had lost it), but if she hadn't i wouldn't have been able to stay in the house on me own :hihi:

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