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Unusual Phobias

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Originally posted by Classic Rock

low flying birds.


Me too, just incase they decide to unload there goods on me. How that supposed to be good luck. :huh::gag:


Stood at bus stop in town looked up and saw this bird squatting, moved just in time.

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Originally posted by Zebra

Crikey, what a list I've read.

I shall add my freaking out about.... holes!

I don't think I can explain this very well but here goes....

Imagine *cringe* a lot of holes *shudder* like a natural sponge or like a real close up of your pores *Urrrghhh!*

Be it big, small, close or distant it freaks me soooo much.

The spice monster in Dune really freaks me out.

I used to have a bizarre issue with spontaneous combustion as a child but I made myself read about it and decided I'm not scared anymore. I was reminded of it by a previous thread.

I don't think there's a name for my phobia.

/me goes away to cringe and wibble for a while.

Oh my god i have a thing about natural sponges! I thought i was the only one. ha ha

It all stems from a dream i had when my leg was made out of white plastic with loads of small holes and you could see right inside it. It really freaks me out.

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I just hate lolly sticks and kebab skewers, well, the horrid rough type wood that they are made from. It makes me shiver to think of them and i cant touch either one. Like other posters on here it's the thought of them in my mouth (just had to pull a funny face thinking about it) Also scared to death of balloons, cant stand the squeeky sound they make when you run your fingers down them and i really freak if they burst!

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I'm terrified of Trains lol... I don't mind one passing me, and I can sit quite comfortably while passengers get on and off, but when I'm on one I can't stand it.


I went on one when I was small and screamed all the way to Skeggy on it lol... More recently (IE last year) I went one stop and absolutely freaked out...

Can't stand them, give me my car anyday!

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