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Unusual Phobias

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I wouldn't say I'm scared of them per se, but I am a bit wary of Snakes, ever since some idiot put a big Python on my shoulders at School once.


I do remember being scared of a scene from WWF before I found out it was all fake where Jake "The Snake" Roberts set a massive King Cobra on "Macho Man" Randy Savage after their match... :gag:


I realise now that the Cobra had probably been de-venomised prior to the event otherwise it would never have been allowed to bite Randy Savage as it would've no doubt killed him there and then.

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I have a fear of :


Wasps : I once stood in a wasps nest and it was terrifying, I was only a young lad as well

Heights : but this only applies to bridges across roads, I live in a block of flats and that dont bother me, its fear of things going under me eg cars, but I can cross a bridge in the dark :suspect:

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I'm phobic about just one thing: Flying.


I had a bad experience where the plane had to suddently turn back on the runway and have one of its engines serviced (by a guy with a hand-held socket wrench!!:o) When I landed on home turf, I kissed the tarmac and promptly had a real-for-true panic attack. Just thinking about flying makes my palms sweat.


I always wondered why the late Pope always kissed the ground on landing :P

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I also hate the feel and sound of polystyrene. Also have major problems with flocked wallpaper and fuzzy greetings cards.


How mad am I? OK don't answer that!



OK the polystyrene bit i can understand, but flocked wall paper!!!

YOU FREAK :hihi:


just kidding lol

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5. Balloons....' BANG ' should be banned!


i hate balloons to always scared there going to explode very loudly, especially hate it when parents let small children have them because they dig there nails into them and it makes the horrible screeching noise and how they dig there teeth in them ewww. always get panicky and hold my ears closed waiting for it to bang or until there gone.:gag:


when i was little i used to be scared of car washes, had to always get out the car before it went in cant remember why thou:confused:


got a friend who is terrified of gypsies and melons, but if a gypsy is holding a melon its fine apparently they cancel each other out. strange :loopy::confused:


my bf hates cotton wool it drives him mental also when i clean my nails by pushing my other nail under it and push up the dirt he hates the click cracking noise it makes apparently

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  • 2 months later...

Just found out that my colleague (Loopycool) has a Phobia of FOAM !!!! (packing foam not shaving foam)


How much fun am I going to have with him over the next few weeks?


He threatened to stab me when I showed him a piece and when I rubbed a bit on my teeth he said I was a dead man.


Does any body else have a strange Phobia.?

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