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Unusual Phobias

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

A friend of mine has a phobia of buttons.


Not the popper type that some cheap shirts or denim shirts have; but the real four hole button types.


Cant stand em, and it makes her feel sick.




Freaky maybe, but not uncommon. A search reveals there's even a name for it: praepilaphobia.

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Mine is cats,I hate it when the jump on your lap and do that stomping thing with their paws (whats that all about).

Then when they realise you dont like them,the lay down on your lap.

Just as you think you are over the worst,they begin to purr and vibrate,then comes the grand finale,you move and the claws sink right into you.


makes me shudder

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Originally posted by cosywolf

Cotton wool. Especially the thought of anyone putting it in their mouth and rubbing their teeth on it...oh god, it's too horrible to contemplate...




Have you seen the film Catch 22? Is that where your phobia started?

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Originally posted by max

The pedants on this forum will probably point out that it was in fact cotton in the film/book, albeit chocolate coated, but in its raw state cotton and cotton wool are very similar.


Yes, they're each as bad as the other...and even the thought of chocolate coating isn't going to stop my teeth being on edge for days now.

T-shirts, sheets, anything like that, put it near your mouth and eeeeewwwww!!!!

But cotton wool is worse. I once worked in a chemists and my boss loved to torture me by making me price all the bags of cotton wool. Any bottles of tablets or vitamins with cotton wool in the top have to be dealt with by my patient partner. I literally cannot touch the stuff.

I say again: EEEEWWWWW!



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