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Unusual Phobias

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Dont like overflowing toilets, and it particularly gives me an anxious tremour when the top cover is taken off :suspect:




i know what you mean,although ive grown out of having to open bathroom door before flushing(for fear the bog could create a tidal wave that may then suck me down it as it retreats) *shivers* :gag:

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not really a phobia, but cotton wool, i hate the stuff, and the thought of biting on it ....:gag: , makes me cringe just thinking about it.


and wasps, i'm the nutty woman who throws her arms in the air screaming when one comes near, don't half get funny looks:loopy:




I hate the idea of tearing cotton wool apart....yeeeek!


And I hate bees and wasps with a vengeance.


If I ever encounter a swarm of bees carring cotton wool balls, I'm dead. :)

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here goes

1. drinking out of white mugs??! i just cant bring myself to do it

2. ice (not ice you put in the drink) ice on the floor in winter, obvious reasons

3. tat draws (the ones that mothers put all the bits and bobs such as buttons and pins in) especially white ones

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mathom-did you ever see any of those horrible 'safety' adverts showing a rag doll being ripped/torn to pieces when it got caught in the escalator? :o


tell you what,it put me off :gag:


I did! :o They had me terrified! Then after a while I was OK using them, but then I got so I couldn't see the steps properly on them so I started to freak again so now I have to totally avoid going down them! :o


Then there were those scary films about slurry pits too, I still have nightmares about those!

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knees, ughhhhhhhhhhh. I hate them, the way that your knee cap moves when your leg is straight. this is making me cringe just typing about it. can't stand anyone touching my knees at all.


also when I was younger I fell over and smashed my knee on the floor, the bits of cartlidge now float around on the top of my kneecap and a I can pop them back into the hole which they came from....nice!! my knee used to come out of joint (to the side) and I'd have to pop it back in.....it's no wonder I have a phobia really is it?

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Here's a weird one for you. One of my phobias I can't even bear thinking about ( but I've made an exception for this thread), let alone looking at or touching...............Brillo Pads..............:gag: Don't ask...............



Me too...


aaaaaaargh... just the thought....




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