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Unusual Phobias

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here goes

1. drinking out of white mugs??! i just cant bring myself to do it

2. ice (not ice you put in the drink) ice on the floor in winter, obvious reasons

3. tat draws (the ones that mothers put all the bits and bobs such as buttons and pins in) especially white ones

I hate drinking out of thick lipped mugs. Bone china all the way for me. Otherwise the tea tastes funny - and it makes my teeth shiver in the most unpleasant way.:nono:

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When I was little I had a phobia about buying new shoes!! My Mum had to drag me kicking and screaming to the shoe shop and I hated trying them on!! In fact, I think I've only actually fairly recently got over this and now make up for lost time!! haha!

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Wet wool- couldn't hand wash the babies cardigans.


Cotton wool- it squeaks, makes my hair stand on end.


Earwigs:gag: When we were on holiday one year, I bent to kiss the little un' 'night, night' and there was the biggest earwig on his pillow beside his head:shocked:


Spiders- aint everyone??


Banana's- if they've got to be bright yellow, if they have the slightest bit of brown I cant touch em':loopy:

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Wasps........I hate them...........only been stung once though when one happened to get entrapped in a pyjama jacket I was putting on many years ago.


I found out 2 weeks ago, whilst fetching a loaf of bread for an elderly neighbour, on strict instructions, via my wife, that she had a phobia about touching the waxed paper wrapping still used by some manufacturers.


How she managed to cope when sliced bread always used to come in this type of packaging I have no idea. :|

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i have a morbid fear that one day the worlds beer resources will run out and that the only drink in pubs would be them ponsy vivid coloured alcopop things that wuzzes drink . so i'm not taking any chances and drinking as much as poss now

i also have nightmares about not being able to get any pork scratchings in pubs . and the only snacks available would be walkers prawn cocktail crisps

i'd rather lick a dogs bottom

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