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Unusual Phobias

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My brother is scared of mushrooms!!!WTF He doesn't only hate the taste he breaks out into a cold sweat if anyone goes within an inch of him with one. It was great when we were younger i just had to put one on the outside of my bedroom door and I knew he wouldn't go anywhere near it! lol

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  • 3 months later...

Is your phobia destroying your life, ruining your relationships or getting in the way of your happiness? If YES, then fear not! The BBC is looking for people to take part in a brand new groundbreaking programme which aims to help people overcome their worst phobias and alter their lives for the better. Leading experts will guide you through the latest treatments and using new, highly successful techniques, they will train your mind to overcome your phobia and dramatically change your life FOREVER!


So if you want the opportunity to face your fear and overcome it then don’t hesitate to contact Emma Young on 0161 244 3693 or e-mail emma.young@bbc.co.uk today!

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Don't know if it's a phobia, but I feel physically sick when I see strands on hair on surfaces of any kind. It totally distracts me and until it's moved, can't get on with what Im doing. They have to be long hairs though, I can cope with hair trimmings on me at the hairdressers, but never look at the floor at hairdressers and a chill goes down my spine when I see it. The irony of this is that it only started when I got all my hair chopped off a few years ago. It was just past my bum, now it's short. I find it rather distrubing to have such an issue with a strand of hair.

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Mine is cats,I hate it when the jump on your lap and do that stomping thing with their paws (whats that all about).

Then when they realise you dont like them,the lay down on your lap.

Just as you think you are over the worst,they begin to purr and vibrate,then comes the grand finale,you move and the claws sink right into you.


makes me shudder



I'm really sorry but I am absolutly pi***ng my self laughing at this.

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Totally irrational but sewing machines . . . worse in physical form but I even dislike it when I flick past the page in the argos catalogue. My housemate bought one on a visit to macro recently and I had to put something over the box so I didnt have to look at the picture as I pushed the trolley round.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My phobias are just the usual: spiders, flying insects and general creepy crawlies and not being able to breathe.


My mums got two friends who have a phobia of balloons!!:confused: i remember hearing a telephone conversation once in which mum was sorting out banners and stuff for the office for someones birthday or leaving and wanted this person to put some balloons up and then mum said "oh i knew about **'s phobia of balloons but not yours" i was like wtf?! balloons, whats wrong with balloons?!

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