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Unusual Phobias

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Originally posted by Classic Rock

Moths, butterflies, the touch of silk (makes me just want to rub my hands for ages to get away from the feel of it)


Eeeeewwwwww, sends shivers down my spine!

Also slugs, can't stand the slime, it makes me cringe :D

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It's a common one, but I'm terrified of spiders. Only the big ones, the smaller sort don't bother me. I can't even stay in the same room as one. I've had to sleep in the living room sometimes 'cos one of the spindly little buggers has got into my bedroom.

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[button Phobia]


Originally posted by max

Freaky maybe, but not uncommon. A search reveals there's even a name for it: praepilaphobia.


If you suffer from thuis condition DON'T read 'Coraline' by Neil Gaiman.



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Originally posted by Red 2

i think mines the worst though :rolleyes:


I didn't think there was a phobic scale. I should imagine if you're gibbering in a corner with blood flecked foam frothing from the rictus stretched corners of your mouth then the source of that condition should be immaterial.:loopy:

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I seem to have lots of phobias, I think they all related to something that must have happened that I can't remember.


I hate lifts. absolutly hate them but the wierd thing is I live in a tower block and for the first 2 years of living here I used to walk up and down 14 flights of stairs every single day. One day I decided to brave it and get in the lift. Now I get in the lift all the time but the odd thing is I will only go in my lift, I wont go in any other :D I'm crazy.


Also I don't like small rooms, hate aeroplanes but I have to brave them if I want a good holiday.


I despise cable cars and there's no way anyone could get me in one of those.


I don't like things that fly, ie moths, butterflys etc...I especially hate Bees and wasps just looking at them makes me want to be sick, they are vile! All furry and urghhhh


That's all for now, I'm sure I'll think of more.

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I hav a phobia of th lttr "". I can't bring myslf to us it, which maks communication quit difficult, spcially sinc it's th most common lttr in the nglish languag.


Ssam Strt was a nightmar to watch whn I was a kid.

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Yeah Pylons Id forgotten about that too! There's one really close to Peaks College where I used to go and when it chucked it down you could hear the rain sizzle on the pylon and that really freaked me out! like when it rains and the tram wires spark!!


Maybe Im just phobic of electricity........?


Mother! bring back the oil lamps!

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