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Unusual Phobias

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I hate heights, deep water (used to have nightmares as a kid that a Tsunami sort of wave was bearing down on me then I would wake up). Spiders and my most weird one I hate any thing wooden that you put in your mouth like lolly sticks and wooden spoons the thought of wood in my mouth just makes me cringe:gag:

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sounds daft but i hate it when you get those lines on yr fingers when they've been in water a long time, then ,you rub yr fingers together....ARGH.....had a couple of days away last week at a holiday inn, they had a pool an we spent a lot of time in it....then the Fingers went wrinkly....:o just the THOUGHT of rubbin them together........:help: the kids kept doin it right under my nose.......:o.......

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Cotton wool. Especially the thought of anyone putting it in their mouth and rubbing their teeth on it...oh god, it's too horrible to contemplate...




That's my thing too and I nearly vomitted when you said it! And tearing a chunk of cotton wool off one of those big rolls of it :gag:

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The triangular shaped toilets you used to find on French trains- they've replaced most of them now.

Never been able to work out why they freak me out so much.

Possibly the noise- there was a big gap and you could easily see the rails just by glancing down the toilet.


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Mine is cats,I hate it when the jump on your lap and do that stomping thing with their paws (whats that all about).


Its called 'bedding' - when they were kittens and they were feeding of thier mother, they would massage with thier paws each side of the nipple to help the milk come out (for want of a better way of putting it)...


Then when they realise you dont like them,the lay down on your lap.

Just as you think you are over the worst,they begin to purr and vibrate,


this means they are happy, and relaxed...


then comes the grand finale,you move and the claws sink right into you.


I think if you had claws, and you were on something that decided to move, you wouldnt want to fall off, so you'd dig your claws in..


makes me shudder



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