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Unusual Phobias

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Crikey, what a list I've read.

I shall add my freaking out about.... holes!

I don't think I can explain this very well but here goes....

Imagine *cringe* a lot of holes *shudder* like a natural sponge or like a real close up of your pores *Urrrghhh!*

Be it big, small, close or distant it freaks me soooo much.

The spice monster in Dune really freaks me out.

I used to have a bizarre issue with spontaneous combustion as a child but I made myself read about it and decided I'm not scared anymore. I was reminded of it by a previous thread.

I don't think there's a name for my phobia.

/me goes away to cringe and wibble for a while.

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Venger, I don't think I could thank you enough. I tried to find info about my phobia and never could. How you found it is a mystery to me.

Not only do I now have a name but I know I'm not the only one. Though I am in a minority.

Only thing to do now is find a cure other than having to be faced with it.

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  • 4 months later...

Time to resurrect an old thread! Yeay!


Okay, my phobias are pretty wierd I have to admit, but I'm deadly serious about them. They are all completely irrational, but I can't deal with them:


  • Lard and Dripping. It makes me heave, and as a younger chap, I used to be obsessed for checking the ingredients labels for the mention; even things like jam and tins of peas!
  • Bridges. Can't drive over them especially if they cross water. I try to hold my breath! :huh:
  • Dwarves and Midgets. I've been known to cross the road to avoid them. I once sat in the pub at lunchtime with my colleagues, and there was a dwarf lady sat across the room; I couldn't eat my chips. This is awful because clearly they can't help it, they just really frighten me.
  • Pigeons. They always fly towards me. Have you ever seen a 6ft 6 man screaming on Fargate? That was probably me!


Anyone share these?


K x

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Originally posted by nick2

I'm not mocking peoples fears, but this thread has made me laugh out loud.


I must admit I had a chortle while reading through, and I can see why people could find my own fears funny. They're only serious to the people that 'own' them!


K x

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My phobias are


1) babies, if people bring them to work, I;m the one leaving the office by the nearest exit asap

2) cold dirty dish water (left in the sink by my hubby, not me, why does he do that?) . I use a long wooden spoon to dislodge the plug to make it go away.

3) furry fruit - like strawberries or peaches - urgh!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Kristian

I must admit I had a chortle while reading through, and I can see why people could find my own fears funny. They're only serious to the people that 'own' them!


K x


I know, my phobias seem completely rational to me too,


1) Lollypop sticks, especially pulling them through your teeth.

2) Catapillars and anything else maggoty looking (nasty accident when fishing caused this phobia)

3) Slugs

4) Heights (though I am working on this one)

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My friend has a massive phobia of hair; even her own. She puts her hairbrush in domestos overnight every week because it disolves the hair as she can't bear to pick it out!


Another friend has a morbid fear of copper coins; she won't touch them, and if asked for the odd pennies in a shop, gives her purse to the assistant to get them out! :loopy:

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Oh my God...thought I was the only person scared of escalators!!! I'm a nightmare, I try to go down them but my legs just go to jelly and my palms start sweating. Like somebody else mentioned, it's got so bad I have problems going up them now. I try, but then I get all these people behind me tutting and then I just panic! I've been scared of them as long as I can remember but have a distinct memory of my mum leaving me at the top of one once when I was little and would imagine that has something to do with it!

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