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Unusual Phobias

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well i am absolutley $h!t scared of mushrooms, i wont walk past them in supermarket, i wont eat them, if my boyfriend orders a meal at a restaurant, for example a mixed grill, i'll but in and say with no mushrooms lol


My brothers put some under the covers of my bed once, i was sobbin my lil heart out, i made my mum wash all the sheets


L x

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Originally posted by Sheffair

Im scared of 'My own shadow'. It always seems to creep up on me when i turn around. I have a fear that it may strangle me at any moment.


You would be scared of it if you came across a camel spider in Iraq during the daytime! They don't like the sunlight, so they follow your shadow no matter how fast you run!! And they're BIG!!!

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I've aways had a phobia of going down stairs. Not esculators just a normal flight of stairs. I fear I will fall and break my leg or worse still my neck or back. I always go down with caution.

Funny thing is, I fell down my attic stairs on Christmas eve and ended up on crutches. I hurt my leg badly, bruised my ribs, cut my leg open but all in all was lucky I didn't kill myself. No broken bones! It was the one time I wasn't cautious when going down the stairs.


You would think that facing my fear, literally, would help but it hasn't! Still phobic. Not scared of heights just stairs. They can be tall or just a few, doesn't matter. Is there a name for this?

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Originally posted by GazB

You would be scared of it if you came across a camel spider in Iraq during the daytime! They don't like the sunlight, so they follow your shadow no matter how fast you run!! And they're BIG!!!


That whole thing was a fake, they are only tiny, and they don't attack people.

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Originally posted by nick2

That whole thing was a fake, they are only tiny, and they don't attack people.


No, they don't attack people.. but the thing about the shadows is true.. and they ARE rather big (seen one with my very own eyes, and also seen one eating a rather large lizard).

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I've got an irrational phobia of sticky labels.

It's the lack of control that you get when you've got one stuck to you and can't get it off.


It stems back to when I was a toddler and I got one stuck to the roof of my mouth. Makes me gippy to think about it.


I thought my phobia was unique, until I read that the ginger one out of Girls Aloud also has the same fear.


This thing is, kids at my son's school get stickers when they've been good. It's unbearable when he comes home covered in stickers.


A bloke I work with breaks out in sweat every time he passes piccalilli.

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Originally posted by vidster

I do'nt have ANY phobias but if i go somewhere REALLY high, i get the overwhelming urge to jump?.


My Mum has a similar thing where her problem is edges... if she is walking by an edge of water (river/canal) or a cliff she is drawn towards the edge... quite scary i think :?

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Originally posted by Foxxx

I've aways had a phobia of going down stairs. Not esculators just a normal flight of stairs. I fear I will fall and break my leg or worse still my neck or back. I always go down with caution.

Funny thing is, I fell down my attic stairs on Christmas eve and ended up on crutches. I hurt my leg badly, bruised my ribs, cut my leg open but all in all was lucky I didn't kill myself. No broken bones! It was the one time I wasn't cautious when going down the stairs.


You would think that facing my fear, literally, would help but it hasn't! Still phobic. Not scared of heights just stairs. They can be tall or just a few, doesn't matter. Is there a name for this?


I am the same i have fallen up & down stairs so many times now that it is beginning to become a phobia... if i see alot of steps in front of me i get really nervous... going up isnt so bad its the walking down... Where i am a little on edge about the stairs my eyes seem to play tricks on me and i end up mis-judging the step... hence why i fall/trip down them... seems so crazy... but true :?


Its horrible...

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It is strange how other people's phobia's can sound so funny and daft... but if we're the sufferer its no Joke!


I never thought i would see the day when i had a really pathetic phobia... Yeah you will laugh dont worry... but this is serious for me...


Vibrating cuddly toys... I hate them... My friends little girl had a vibrating cuddly elmo... she kept throwing it at me i had to nudge it to the floor... I cant stand them they make me cringe...


My sister has a Mad Cow that does the same shakes etc... ewww i can feel myself cringing now (fingers going all weird on me... ) Its stupid... i even admit its a really silly phobia... i picked up a little snowman once... had a button on it 'press here' so i did... argh!!! it started shaking an vibrating... threw it down straight away... :help:


Couldnt stand my phone on vibrate at one point got used to that now tho...


Please no jokes... Remember: your phobia is serious to you so have repsect for others no mater how daft :)

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