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Unusual Phobias

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Bridges, especially ones with water underneath, if i'm alone I try and get as far away from the edge as I can and refuse to look over at the water. If i'm with somebody, I do the same, but also hold onto them, as if they'll keep me safe if it collapses :loopy:

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Im scared of lifts and closed spaces.I go dizzy and have a panic attack.I also dont like the dark and sleep with the landing light on.My oddest one is vampires if i see one on tv i have to move away.If anyone comes near me in fancy dress as one i freak out .I wont answer the door on halloween always send some body else or ignore it.I put it down to the old horrors we watched when we were kids i think they were called appointment with fear.:(

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Originally posted by Angel05

My Mum has a similar thing where her problem is edges... if she is walking by an edge of water (river/canal) or a cliff she is drawn towards the edge... quite scary i think :?


I've always had a problem with this, Angel. When I'm above any large body of water I can feel it trying to pull me in. Now I think about it, it really only happens with slowish-moving water like the sea or a big lake - doesn't seem to happen with fast-flowing rivers. It's like the water is literally trying to hypnotise me and drag me into it. Horrible.


On one family holiday when I was a kid, we drove along the road by Loch Ness for a while, and I was transfixed by it. I couldn't tear my eyes away from it I found it so terrifying. It was so black and so deep I felt it wanted to pull me down into those depths. S**** the Loch Ness Monster, I was scared of the Loch!!


Also as a small child, I had a phobia about my bedroom curtains. They were truly hideous, sort of green/grey with huge brown flowers :gag: Late at night if I couldn't sleep I'd find myself staring at them, and then I'd get the optical illusion that the flowers were moving towards me, intent on doing me some harm. Weird, and really scary. I'd hide my face under the blankets, then I'd be ok.


I told my Dad about this quite recently, and he was horrified I'd been so scared of the curtains. Apparently Mum had spent ages choosing them for me, and she thought they were lovely!! :help:



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Originally posted by StarSparkle

I've always had a problem with this, Angel. When I'm above any large body of water I can feel it trying to pull me in. Now I think about it, it really only happens with slowish-moving water like the sea or a big lake - doesn't seem to happen with fast-flowing rivers. It's like the water is literally trying to hypnotise me and drag me into it. Horrible.




Sounds exactly the same thing my Mum suffers from... glad it wasnt passed on as it sounds really scary...


The only thing i was scared of in my room was the underneath of my bed... i had to jump onto my bed at night as i thought something would grab hold of my ankles an drag me under... i think most kiddies suffer from this... :? not nice...


I hated going out of the living room having to go upstairs to the loo in the dim light... i used to run down stairs as fast as i could incase something came out of one of the bedrooms an started chasing me.


What wild imaginations kids have huh!

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Originally posted by Lily04

I have the worst fear of needles, but then again I have one tattoo, and 7 piercings!! How I managed to get those done, is beyond me!!


When you have a tattoo you can harldy see the needle, which is fine, but when you have to have an injection and they show you the needle I feel a bit ill.

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My brother's girlfriend has to put her feet up on the chair when she sees any sharks on TV. In case of those nasty carpet sharks I suppose.


Also, I have a friend who is scared of tin cans, and can't eat anything that has been in one!

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Originally posted by Angel05

The only thing i was scared of in my room was the underneath of my bed... i had to jump onto my bed at night as i thought something would grab hold of my ankles an drag me under... i think most kiddies suffer from this... :? not nice...


Whatever films you see Angel, DON'T see Boogeyman! This plotline figures quite strongly!


K x

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Originally posted by nick2

When you have a tattoo you can harldy see the needle, which is fine, but when you have to have an injection and they show you the needle I feel a bit ill.

I cringed when i was getting the tattoo!! I know that it is weird to have this phobia, but at the same time have a tattoo and so many piercings!!

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